Across the Ocean

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Book: Across the Ocean by Heather Sosbee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Sosbee
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put more of an effort to at least pretend she is trying to be friendly to someone she knows to be my and Emilia’s friend.
    Frowning a bit, I try to come up with an answer that will soothe Lára. It sucks that I have to lie about that , too. I watch her as she slides her panties on. I don’t even have a physical reaction to her right now as she stands across from me with no clothes on.
    “It ’s not like that, Lára. Gunnar asked me to invite her. I guess he thinks she’s good looking or something.” Not bad, Ari. I could even believe that. Lára just sniffs in indifference.
    “Just as long as she keeps her grubby paws off of you.” She pulls one of my old shirts over her head and exits into the living room without another word. She leaves me alone to contemplate her behavior and the bad taste in my mouth.
    Friday is upon us and I’m in Emilia’s apartment scrambling to pack the clothes I’ll need. Based on everything I’ve learned about Tálknafjörður (try pronouncing that!), my conclusion is that I really have no idea what I’ll need. I’m hoping all the stuff I’ve packed will suffice. I’ve packed some warm clothes because Emilia warned me it gets really cold there.
    My b athing suit is packed and I’m looking forward to going to the hot pools, Pollurinn. Mostly, I’m excited to see Ari with fewer clothes on, and for him to see me. Obviously, this information has to be kept to myself.
    Not being able to really confide in anyone about this situation is wearing on me a bit. I ’ve been contemplating just talking to Ari bluntly about it. I know he has to be feeling pretty similar, and I wonder if he has anyone to talk to either. We’ve always been able to talk so easy. I should just buck up and be honest with him.
    Grabbing my suitcase and lugging it downstairs, I grab some toiletries such as my toothbrush, hair straightener, makeup, and so on, stuffing them into the front pocket of my suitcase. Heading out of the bathroom, I see that Lára and Ari are standing next to the front door with their bags, probably waiting for me.
    “Gunnar is here now, so we should head out to the car.” Ari opens the front door. Both he and Lára head out and down the hallway stairs. I turn to Emilia to give her a hug. She hasn’t been feeling her best lately, so she and Valur aren’t making the trip with us.
    “Feel better and make sure you get plenty of fluids and rest ,” I comment as I head out the door.
    “Have fun , Brooke!” Emilia calls out to my back as I head down the stairs.
    Ari is standing behind a silver car, a Subaru Legacy station wagon. There are two guys in the front seats and Lára is in the middle of the backseat bench area. Grabbing my suitcase, he shoves it into the car.
    “Thanks for the help,” I murmur softly while brushing some stray hairs behind my ear.
    “No problem. You should get in on that side, so you ’ll have plenty of space for your feet.” He gives me a small smile and nods over at the back door on the right side. Then he slams the trunk of the car closed and moves to the left side rear seat.
    I ’m suddenly feeling a little social anxiety. I’m going to be sitting in a car for 6 hours or so with two complete strangers. On top of that, there will be a girl next to me who knows that I have strong emotions for her boyfriend, who is also sitting next to her. She will probably be feeling pretty awkward herself. This is a whole sandwich of awkward.
    Poor Lára. I never wanted anything like this for her. My resolve to behave around Ari strengthens as I think about her. She ’s been nothing but nice to me, and I really need to be a good person in all of this.
    Not wanting to be rude, I lean forward with a smile on my face and introduce myself to the guys in the front seat.
    “Hey guys, I’m Brooke. Thanks so much for letting me grab a ride with you.” I shake hands with the driver, who is wearing aviator sunglasses and is giving me

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