life. He saw a person he admired. “You’ve taught me a lot. I know you hate the mushy shit, but you did. You taught me about family and responsibility. I’m here if you ever need me, you’ll always have my loyalty, word.”
A solemn sigh escaped. “You don’t owe me anything Emilio.” Alfonzo shook his head, thinking about Domingo. “I’ve learned some hard lessons over the years about loyalty. That word is thrown around too much; volunteered to a person when things are good, but there aren’t many people who honor what they say because feelings change and so do people. Does it make them bad people, no, it just means words are easy to say and actions hard to do.” Alfonzo scoffed. “There might come a day when your loyalty might be tested. Whether you stand by me or anyone else really depends on how you feel about the person on that particular day.”
“Where I come from, you keep your word. Up, down and through thick and thin, you have to stay solid or else you’re more than fickle, you’re a liar.”
Alfonzo didn’t doubt Emilio meant what he said at the time, most people do. Yeah, but he’d learn eventually, there’s purple and then there’s lavender.
Alfonzo changed the subject. “A set of cars will be delivered to your home in the morning. I’m leaving you my Audi, clean title, everything.”
Alfonzo resumed walking. The bodyguards near the buildings did as well. “Serious.”
“Jessica is going to blow a gasket.”
“Nah, she gets a new Mercedes, fully equipped with the security features and the whole nine. I want you guys safe, too.”
“Damn, that’s generous.” The excitement on Emilio’s face was hard to contain. Every car Alfonzo had cost a good piece of money and that’s not counting the detailing and safety additions. He was speechless.
“In the trunk of the Audi will be enough to cover your future expenses for a while. Be smart with your cash. I think you’ve done a good job investing. Just remember you and Jessica have different spending habits. Make sure you sit down with her and decide on the financial future of your family. You hear me?”
“Anyway I’ll be checking in often on family.”
“May I ask a question?”
“Go ahead.”
“Have you caught the person who you know...murdered Domingo?”
Alfonzo didn’t falter. “Not yet, but I will.”
When the men parted ways, Alfonzo stopped for a cappuccino. For the first time in his marriage, he dreaded going home. When a relationship is in turmoil, there’s a toll on the mind that is so heavy the body feels burdened.
Yeah, he promised there wouldn’t be any more secrets when he and Selange tied the knot for the second time, but he didn’t know when he made the pledge he was lying. He couldn’t tell his wife he killed Domingo, not now, anyway.
He’d probably come across like a psychopath. There were moments prior to seeing the video, guilt existed, but strange as it sounds, he didn’t have an iota of remorse left.
The children and his wife are what continued to keep his blood from running ice cold. He was losing Selange, yeah, she was drifting away.
He blamed himself. A sip of cappuccino on the drive here and there didn’t change the fact. She hadn’t forgiven him, nope, the chica was stubborn.
The reason she gave to keep a husband at bay in the bedroom wasn’t solely the result of a disagreement during inebriation. Selange felt guilt for being alive.
“Dame musica!” he said to the driver. He loathed the silence on the drive home.
With a loud slurp he drank the last remnants of the coffee and placed the empty cup in a holder. He closed his eyes, letting the car rock him from side-to-side, ingesting the song.
‘Feeling my way through the darkness,
Guided by a beating heart,
I can't tell where the journey will end,
But I know where to start…
So wake me up when it's all over,
When I'm wiser and I'm older,
All this time I was finding myself,
And I didn't
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