Alcandian Soul
air as she huffed. Jessica rolled her eyes before she turned and left them. Jett and Dylan instantly lost their amused expressions as they turned to face Cole and Dyne once again. Dyne surprised him again by taking a step forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. It was a stance that proclaimed them a team. Dyne was clearly stating that if the other two warriors wanted to take issue with Cole, they had to deal with both of them.
    Dylan grunted before he nodded reluctantly. “Best I let my mate have her way in this, but I still do not agree.”
    “Nor do I.” Jett looked more angry than Dylan did. But the warrior stood with his comrade’s statement and simply continued to glare at them.
    Dyne considered the two men for a moment. “A warrior thinks differently about a sibling than a mate. Agree that you do not consider your sister Zeva as delicate as you do your mate.”
    “Zeva is not delicate, but I believe her mates will tell you otherwise. However, I concede the point to you.” Jett lost his glaring look, as a tiny smirk replaced his frown. “We shall see how well you handle your own mate. It is not a simple thing. There is a part of you that will always crave knowing she is buffeted from the ugliness around her. Pampering her becomes a pleasure.”
    Cole frowned as Jett shot him an amused look before he nodded his head and left with Dylan. They moved swiftly in unison until they overtook Jessica in the lower courtyard. His sister tossed her head as her mates joined her but Cole couldn’t help but laugh at her temper. She did love them, he was sure of that, because if he wasn’t he would have made damn sure she didn’t have to stay on Alcandar if she didn’t want to.
    That left him feeling like an asshole again.
    “You must give it time, Cole. No one can predict what might come to pass.” Dyne turned to consider him with an odd look on his face. “We have not yet introduced Cassandra to the things that are pleasant about Alcandian life. I believe we should begin with a meal. Females find that relaxing.”
    “Cassandra might throw it at you instead of eating it.”
    Dyne looked startled for a moment but then his eyes glowed with the promise of challenge. Cole bristled as he watched the flame of interest. Dyne felt the surge of heat and frowned at him.
    “I think there is another matter to attend to first, Cole Somerton. Our minds have linked.” Dyne considered him for a moment as Cole felt the other warrior drift through his thoughts. He honestly hadn’t realized just how strong the link was because he was accustomed to the feeling now. In fact, it would feel odd to have it removed. Dyne offered his nod of approval.
    “I believe we are well suited to each other. It is time you took a partner and wore the coat of a Judgment Official. For that duty, you will need a partner.”
    Dyne drew himself into a formal stance before he extended his arm out in traditional Alcandian trust. It was a deep honor to receive the gesture from any Alcandian, but having it come from Dyne enhanced the moment to epic proportions. The warrior had his choice of partners among the training warriors.
    Cole clasped his forearm and felt Dyne’s grip tighten around his wrist and forearm. Dyne nodded stiffly before he spoke.
    “You understand honor. Blood does not make you a warrior, honor does.”
    It was a creed that kept an entire race going even in the face of extinction. Their embracing of a code that was considered primitive by many humans. That unwavering devotion to live your life by principles. It was the driving force behind his own quest to become a member of the Earth military elite. A burning need to know that he lived his life trying to become the best person he could be.
    On Alcandar, Cole was going to live that dream as a Judgment Official.
    As a warrior.

Chapter Five
    “You should have changed into some Alcandian clothing if you intended to go unnoticed.”
    Cassandra spun around, and her drill sergeant would

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