Alcandian Soul
have been proud to see the fighting stance she landed in out of pure instinct. The woman she faced flinched and her arms came up out of reflex too. A hint of appreciation crossed Zeva’s face as she looked at Cassandra.
    Cassandra stared at Zeva, taking in the details that confirmed that the alien was much happier now than the last time she’d seen her. The word “alien” got stuck in her thoughts as she tried to face the fact that on Alcandar, she was the alien.
    And the captive.
    Cassandra shook off the despair that tried to flood her mind. Breaking down wasn’t going to help her. The last year of self-pity parties had certainly proved that. It was the honest truth that she really had no place to call home. But embracing the idea of never seeing her parents again tore at her to continue her battle to return to Earth. Just how to get her life back on track was the main issue. She was currently completely baffled as to where to begin. You needed to decide what you wanted before you could go after it.
    Zeva was wearing a three-quarter-length coat, similar to the one that Cole and Dyne had been wearing. The female version was tailored to her breasts and buttoned at mid-chest to just below her waist. The sides were slit up to her hips and a baggy pair of pants covered her legs. The outfit looked really comfortable but it was attractive too. The coat was made out of a purple and blue fabric that set off Zeva’s dark hair very well.
    “Sorry, I guess my abductors forgot to give me the nickel tour. Besides, I like my uniform.” She had earned her uniform. Sucking it up and dressing in Alcandian wear felt so much like surrender, Cassandra shook her head at the mere idea of it. Her fatigues were staying right where they were at. Zeva moved and the jacket she wore shifted, giving Cassandra a peek at the woman’s rounded tummy.
    “Is everyone pregnant on this planet?” Her voice was surly, but she suddenly felt trapped in a science-fiction movie complete with a plot to overrun her mind with the local culture. Mate and produce babies.
    Zeva only rolled her eyes in the face of her grumpy companion. “I guess that comment means Cole sent his sister to talk to you already.”
    Cassandra shrugged. Zeva closed the gap between them some more, but she didn’t get too close. There was a respect shimmering in her eyes for the training she knew Cassandra had undertaken. Cassandra latched on to that little bit of acknowledgment.
    “Returning to Alcandar dumped me into the presence of a couple of warriors I had been avoiding.” Zeva flashed her a grin as she shrugged. “In the end, I’m happy, and no, Alcandian females do not spend their lives pregnant. By avoiding my mates, I believe I bred an insecurity in them that prompted them to want a baby immediately.”
    All the better to chain her …
    Cassandra bit back her sarcasm. “Well, I hope life is better for you now that you’re home.”
    Zeva sighed as her face lost all traces of amusement. “It is. But now you are here.”
    Cassandra lifted her hand towards Zeva. “Easy enough to fix. Why don’t you just direct me towards that wormhole gate thing and then everybody will be happy.”
    “I can’t do that.”
    “Won’t is more like it.” Cassandra shrugged as she turned to survey the landscape. “Not that I’m surprised. You never struck me as the turncoat type.” Turning her gaze back to Zeva, Cassandra flashed her a grin. “Still, had to ask. I figured if there’s anyone who might have a soft spot for my plight, it’d be you.”
    Zeva looked uncomfortable, but the Alcandian female didn’t break their eye contact. Cassandra had to admire the pure confidence in her. Not many people shouldered their decisions so completely. “Don’t worry about it. We all have our loyalties.”
    “And yours are to Earth?” Zeva’s voice revealed a great deal of scorn still clinging to it.
    “This is a uniform, Zeva. I’m not just a human, I’m a woman who took an oath to

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