Alcandian Soul
But her eyes wandered over the pristine beauty of Alcandar. The air was so clear, like it was when you went backpacking in a national park. No dingy haze from urban smog, just bright sunlight sparkling through the trees.
    And there were a lot of trees. Everywhere you looked something green was growing. All the columns in the courtyard hosted plants on top and the vines wrapped down their length towards the ground. Every available space was used as a planter and someone was taking really good care of the watering chore, because large, healthy green leaves opened up to the sunlight like you saw in Hawaii. The abundance of plant life just might explain the quality of the air.
    Cassandra climbed the steps that led away from the building she’d woken up in, and looked over the surrounding area. There were other buildings and more maroonclad warriors moving along the pathways. A few of them noticed her but no one sounded any alarm. That only increased her need to explore. These Alcandians were just too confident in the fact that they had her caged.
    There were streets with some kind of vehicles too. Cassandra studied them as best she could while she kept walking. She didn’t know where she was going, but more than one prisoner had made their way out of places where they had limited knowledge. She would just have to figure Alcandar out enough to find the wormhole.
    * * * * *
    “Would you two stop?” Jessica tried to step between Cole and her mate Jett but her second mate Dylan hooked an arm neatly under her swollen belly and picked her up.
    Jett shot her a furious glace. “Being your brother does not grant him the right to place you in harm’s way.”
    “Being my sister means I wouldn’t send her anywhere near something that might be dangerous.” Cole was angry and he really didn’t care if Jett didn’t like his tone of voice. Dyne stepped in front of him, surprising him into silence as he faced off with Jessica’s two mates. Both warriors were seething over the fact that Jessica had been left alone with Cassandra. To their way of thinking, Cassandra was discontented and unpredictable. That made it unsafe for their mate to be alone with her.
    “There was no danger.” Dyne’s words were calm but hard. The Judgment Official wasn’t willing to listen to any charges of neglect. Jett folded his arms over his chest as he glared at Dyne.
    “I like it not.”
    “Well, too bad, Jett! I am not your pet.” Jessica wiggled and glared at her second mate. “Put me down, Dylan, and I mean right now! I’m quite capable of deciding if I want to talk to someone. You may think you know better, but it’s mighty damn hard to be a newly claimed female around here. No one talks to you straight.”
    Dylan let his mate go as a slight look of sympathy crossed his face. Jett only hissed under his breath. Cole wanted to pull his collar away from his neck because it felt like his coat was shrinking and biting into his throat.
    Shit .
    He hated the facts surrounding Cassandra’s arrival. Her opinion really shouldn’t have mattered too much considering what was at stake, but he still didn’t like the fact that she was unhappy.
    It stank and it was his fault.
    “Now, boys…” Jessica glared at all four of them. Her forehead was creased with tension as she drew in a deep breath. “I suggest you remember that Cassandra is active Army. Somehow, I don’t think she’s going to be so easy to contain. So, someone better keep at least one eye on her. But that’s as far as I am going in helping you with her. Being kidnapped stinks. If she makes your life a living hell, you’ve got it coming.”
    Jessica lifted an eyebrow as her two mates turned disapproving looks at her. Her lips twisted into a devious grin before she pointed a finger at them. “It stinks like a startled skunk and just because I love you both still doesn’t mean it doesn’t stink!”
    Jett and Dylan both grinned at her confession of love, and she threw her arms into the

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