Alice: Bride of Rhode Island (American Mail-Order Bride 13)
Alice wanted to scream. What did this man want from her?
    “Did he hurt you?”
    She paused, reluctant to delve into her courtship with William Evans.
    James moved to stand before her, placing his hands on her upper arms. “You don’t need to fear him. You’re my wife now. He can’t hurt you.”
    She looked into his eyes, deep pools of sea-green in the lamplight, and wanted to believe him, wanted to believe that she’d finally found a place where she could build a life, and not just any life. She wanted a home, and a husband, and children. She wanted love.
    James brought a hand to her face and leaned forward but stopped when his forehead touched hers. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she brought a hand to his lapel to let him know that she accepted his overture. His thumb gently stroked her cheek, but for one long agonizing moment, he did nothing more.
    You big lout, she wanted to say, just kiss me .
    She angled her face and brought her mouth to his. He didn’t retreat, and, emboldened, she pressed closer. As his lips joined with hers, she closed her eyes and surrendered to the strength and response of James. His scent filled her senses, and excitement stirred in her belly.
    James broke the kiss. “Alice, this isn’t a good idea.”
    “Because you’re very young, and you might not choose to stay in this marriage.”
    “What are you saying?”
    “I’m saying that I’m giving you the freedom to know your own mind, and you should take it.” He exhaled sharply, and his words had been marked with a tinge of anger.
    He might as well have thrown a glass of cold water into her face.
    “I think I should give you privacy,” he said. “I’ll get a nightcap downstairs. Take your time with your evening routine.” He retrieved his hat. “And you can have the bed to yourself.”
    He opened and shut the door, then was gone.
    Alice remained rooted in the center of the room—stunned, shaken, and confused.
    She could still feel the warmth of his kiss upon her lips. A memory of desire began to unfurl in her belly, spreading to her limbs.
    He does want me.
    She took a steadying breath, buoyed by the thought.
    But why did he keep her at arm’s length? Clearly, he was uncertain about this marriage. But then, why did he wed her in the first place? She’d been prepared to leave when Frank was unwilling to follow through on his commitment. Why hadn’t James let her go? What was to be gained by marrying her?
    James’ words came back to her when she had pressed him about details of his life. Daniel Endicott didn’t honor the deal .
    Did this have something to do with her stepfather?
    Her heart dropped like an anchor hitting the sea floor.
    She sank to the sofa to contemplate the ramifications. She didn’t want to think that James, or Frank for that matter, were duplicitous in their actions. Even if they were that treacherous, which she doubted, they had nothing to gain.
    She possessed very little. Daniel had given her no wealth, no inheritance, and certainly no dowry. When she’d fled more than two years ago, she’d left it all behind.
    If James was using her, he had taken advantage and married her under false pretense. But he hadn’t taken her virtue. Why hadn’t he at least done that? It would have bound her to him. As it was, she could end the marriage now. And so could he. Did this mean he planned to use her and discard her, or was he somehow trying to protect her?
    Her head throbbed from all the possibilities. She rang the hotel lobby for a maid’s help. With her nightgown finally in place, she crawled into the large, ornate bed and slept alone.
    * * * *
    James drank four brandies before he allowed one thought of Alice into his mind.
    He’d come dangerously close to bedding his wife. He shook his head, trying like the dickens to remember why he needed to stay away from her.
    Her soft lips, her earnest overture toward him... James tried to remember again why he was down here in the gentleman’s

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