American Devil
was getting several looks from other people in the cathedral. He stood up and took Eddie outside. Out on the sidewalk, Eddie breathed a huge sigh. ‘Good God, Tom, that was hard for me, being so quiet.’
    ‘You weren’t.’
    ‘Yeah, but even the notion that I might be expected to be silent freaked me out. That’s why I could never get school either. I’ve got to talk to know what’s what.’
    The two men looked at each other a moment, taking in the separation of the past few months. Eddie’s tone lowered. ‘You know my feelings, Tom. I’m sorry about Lisa.’
    ‘Thanks. I mean it.’
    ‘No problem. I tried to talk to her. She wouldn’t see me.’
    ‘It helped to know you tried.’
    ‘Her loss.’
    ‘I’m moving on, you know. Lafayette tell you?’
    ‘Yeah, but he also tells me you looked over the scene at Ward’s Island. And I know Tom Harper . . . that’s not going to leave you alone. I bet it’s sitting in your fat head just driving you mad.’
    ‘That’s just about right. These are bad kills. Did Lafayette put you on Blue Team?’
    ‘Is it as loose as it looks?’
    ‘Yeah, it is, and you were right about the Ward’s Island girl. Another rich girl who won’t get a chance to spend her inheritance. Her name’s Grace Frazer. She was knocked to the floor next to her car in the city, then somehow dragged off the street and taken to Ward’s. You were right about the camera too. They found tripod marks in the grass above the rocks.’
    Harper suddenly clocked a look in Kasper’s eye. ‘Aw shit, Eddie. Lafayette sent you, didn’t he?’
    ‘No, Tom, it’s worse than that.’ Eddie’s face was stone cold.
    ‘I just got called in. They found another body down in a parking lot right in the heart of the city.’
    ‘Another body already?’
    ‘I wanted to see if you’d ride with me. We need you, Harps. We really need you.’
    ‘Two corpses in two days,’ said Harper. He glanced back to the cathedral. Life, death and the afterlife all in a moment. ‘Lafayette wants me to see a shrink.’
    ‘Sounds like you need to, speaking to invisible people and forgetting to wash. You’re just like those Ward’s Island psychos I’ve been interviewing all day.’ He paused and looked at Harper. ‘Come on, Tom, let’s do what you do best.’
    ‘What’s that?’
    ‘End horror stories.’

Chapter Eight
    Upper East Side Crime Scene
November 16, 6.45 p.m.
    T om Harper and Eddie Kasper drove in silence from the cathedral into the wealth and privilege of the Upper East Side. Harper looked up at the darkening sky between the towering buildings. His greatest memory was lying beside Lisa on the side of a razor-edged ridge with a view of the stars, watching the flocks of migrating raptors in the dark. Some things were still magical in the world; it was just getting harder and harder to find them.
    The rain clouds had gathered by the time they turned on to East 82nd Street. The two detectives felt the strain of the news as the car lurched through the pull and push of rush hour traffic. Finding a third dead girl so soon was highly unusual, even with the worst of killers. Harper wasn’t sure what they were dealing with. He felt his own ignorance and chastised himself for not taking up Lafayette’s offer the day before. Up ahead, they saw the familiar parade of police cars beating out a frenzy of red and blue lights.
    As Eddie pulled up to the kerb, Harper took a quick look at his cell phone. No messages - there never were any more. He closed his eyes momentarily. Life must go on.
    They jumped out on to the street. It was a buzz of activity at the scene and the first officers had managed to close off both ends of East 82nd. The Crime Scene Unit had secured the area with blue screens and put up six strong floodlights that filled the air with an unreal glow and caused steam to rise from the damp sidewalk.
    Harper and Kasper found the entrance to the car park and hurried down to the

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