An Honorable Wish (A Lady's Wish 2)
Wales—she wasn’t marrying him.
    “When is your suitor calling?” Sophia said as she flounced into the room. “I think he might propose.”
    “He will have to learn to live with disappointment,” Juliet grumbled.
    “Your first proposal and you’re saying no. I’m surprised.”
    Juliet frowned at her. “My feelings prevent it. You’ve turned down proposals for much less.”
    “Yes, but they were all beneath me. This is likely the only proposal you’ll get.”
    “I’m waiting for a gentleman who appreciates a woman with a brain.”
    “I glanced at those naughty books of yours, Juliet.”
    Juliet looked up to find Sophia had her most superior smile on her face. “You’ve been in my room? Again?”
    “Yes. I’m puzzled as to why you’d bother with them at all. Really, the one with the pictures is disgusting.”
    “Really, Sophia, have you no respect?”
    “Tony looked positively crushed that you’d only talk to Ian McDonald,” Sophia said, ignoring her sister’s indignation.
    Juliet refused to discuss Tony with her sister. She didn’t have a clue why he was acting the way he was. “Ian McDonald wanted to talk to you. I don’t know why you dislike him so. He’s a nice man.”
    Sophia refused to look at her. Instead, she played with the sleeves on her dress.
    “You like him,” Juliet said with a smile.
    “ No. I. Don’t . The man is insufferable.”
    “The lady doth protest . . .”
    “I’m not marrying some Scotsman from the edge of nowhere. I’m marrying someone wealthy and titled.”
    Juliet reopened her book and searched for the last page she’d read. “Suit yourself.” Mr. McDonald was a good man who was in love with her vain sister. “Let him see the real Sophia. He’ll be over his infatuation.”
    “Oh, I don’t know why I bother to discuss anything with you.”
    A footman entered and said, “Mr. Bartleby is here to see you, Miss Juliet.”
    Sophia stood. “Time to let you receive your first proposal.”
    “Stay, please,” Juliet begged. “I don’t want to be alone with him.”
    “Whyever not? He won’t be able to propose if I’m here.”
    Juliet really wanted to avoid this. She closed the book, tossed it on the chair, and rose. Her dress was old and faded. She smoothed the creases left from sitting curled up in the chair. Her hair was its usual disaster, but she doubted that would scare him away.
    Simon Bartleby came into the room and smiled at her. She curtsied. “Good afternoon, Mr. Bartleby.”
    “Miss Juliet, a pleasure.” He pressed his too-wet lips to her hand.
    “Please sit down.” She took her seat in the chair, moving the book to the table.
    “Reading?” He glanced at the book. “Agriculture. You surprise me.”
    “Helping the Williams family has gotten me interested in gardening,” Juliet said.
    Please let him get to the point so he can be gone .
    “I stopped by to see Mr. Williams and noticed Mr. Matthews there. Do you know why he is taking an interest in the farm?”
    Bartleby’s tone belied his innocuous question. “Mr. Matthews is helping because I asked him to.”
    Juliet wasn’t going to prolong the visit any longer than she had to.
    “It’s very fine weather,” he said quietly.
    “Indeed it is. Spring is my favorite time of year.”
    “I’m sure you know why I’ve come,” he started hesitantly.
    He knelt before her on one knee.
    Juliet bit her lip. “Mr. Bartleby, please get up.”
    He took her hand. “Miss Juliet, would you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
    She pulled her hand away. “Please stand, Mr. Bartleby.”
    He reluctantly got to his feet.
    Juliet paused to sort out her words. There was no reason to be rude. “You do me a great honor, sir, but I feel I must decline.”
    “You must decline?” Mr. Bartleby said angrily. “I do not understand you. You have very few connections. You’re nothing to your sister, and yet you refuse me.”
    “I’m surprised you issued an offer of marriage given

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