The Dark Stranger: A Sharon Brown Erotic Romance

The Dark Stranger: A Sharon Brown Erotic Romance by Kathleen Robertson

Book: The Dark Stranger: A Sharon Brown Erotic Romance by Kathleen Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Robertson
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finger, a diamond as huge as her palm and that glittered just like her.
    They reached his home, half an hour later and were shown into the drawing room, where all of his family was already present. Jake and Sharon sat on the settee adjacent to where his mother was sitting and when she looked at him, Jake winked at her. The look on Sarah’s face was of pure delight and she smiled invitingly at Sharon. Sarah introduced Sharon to the family just then, as Jake’s fiancé and as she said, Jake’s grandfather looked at her with contempt.
    “What do you do, Miss Brown?” his grandmother asked.
    “I am a dress designer, Ma’am. I had one of my fashion shows two days ago.” She told her.
    “The show that made the front cover of the paper?” his grandmother asked.
    “Exactly.” Sharon smiled warmly at her.
    “Well then, you are an extremely talented young woman. Welcome to the family.” She smiled. When Liam came, the tension between the family grew more and Sharon noticed that Jake’s face was cold as stone. She held his hand, showing her support to him and he squeezed her fingers lightly.
    Once the refreshments and small talks were over, Jake’s grandfather spoke.
    “Why did you want this meeting, Mr. Michelson?” he asked Liam.
    “It’s been twenty five years since Sarah and I went to college together. I was immature, irresponsible and selfish and had no idea what responsibility meant. I made mistakes that I want to correct now, I want to give Sarah a home where she can be happy and where she will be loved and I want to accept Jake as my own son, in front of the world.” Liam said.
    “NO!” It was Jake who spoke this time. “I don’t want anything to do with you.  I have only one parent and that is my mother, Sarah. End of story.” He said, his voice cold. His  grandfather ignored his outburst and turned to Sarah.
    “What do you say about this, Sarah? You have never adhered to my decisions and now this is you and your son’s life. You have to decide what is the best for both of you.”
    “Father, twenty five years is enough time to forgive some one for their mistakes. I hold no grudges against Liam whatsoever. I am ready to take him as my husband.” Sarah said. Jake gave her a look of pure hatred.
    “Sharon, let’s go.” He said, stood up and dragged her all the way outside.
    “Jake, listen to me.” Sharon said as Sarah came outside, looking sad at both of them.
    “Jake.” She called out to him.
    “Go back inside, Mother. I have nothing to say.” He said.
    “Darling, you are my son. Listen to me, please. There is nothing wrong for me to get married to your dad. After all, he is your father and he deserves this much.” Sarah said.
    “He deserves nothing. He left you to rot on the streets and what would’ve happened if aunt Nancy hadn’t been there for you. I don’t trust the bastard, but still if you wish to go through this crazy notion then I cannot say anything. My best wishes to you.” And then he drove away.
    It had been a week now and things should have come back to normal now but Jake’s temper was still upon boiling point. He wouldn’t listen to anyone talk sense into him, his grandmother, his mother or even Sharon. He did not anyone to say it aloud that Liam Michelson was not his father and his reasons were those that he hadn’t told anyone.
    Liam Michelson was after his business empire.
    Late that afternoon, he had returned after lunch with Sharon when he found him waiting at the reception of his office. He took his messages from the receptionist and then looked at him.
    “What are you doing here?” He asked Liam.
    “I need to talk to you.”
    “I have nothing to say to you. Get out of here.” Jake hissed.
    “Listen Jake, I love Sarah. I have loved her since we were in college and I want to marry her. I’m sorry for what happened in the past but I can change that, I’m sure. Please be there on our wedding, your mother did so much for you. She sacrificed

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