An Unlikely Alliance
jump. Second, I hate heights; and third, you're just scared because
you're so upset about your mother. You don't truly mean the things
coming out of your mouth."
    "Normally, I would agree with you."
    "A shock you would agree with anyone … about
anything … ever," Evelyn murmured, donning her hood again. "I doubt
you can even properly seduce a woman without putting your foot in
your mouth."
    "I sure hope that's a challenge."
    "It is, but you can't try it on me." He
stepped closer. "Because…" She looked behind her, hoping to find an
escape route. "I'm not looking for a fling."
    "Neither. Am. I."

Chapter Nine
    And the truth was, he wasn't. Looking for a
fling, that is. He was positively enamored by this sweet and
beautiful woman. So enamored, in fact, he couldn't care less about
their original intent on spying. All he wanted was Evelyn,
everywhere. How unfortunate they weren't somewhere convenient like
a bedroom, or a sitting room, or anywhere with a floor that wasn't
made of cold, hard marble.
    His rakish habits clearly were in need of
redemption, but all he could think about was the easiest way to get
her into his arms. The good news of the whole night, and possibly
the solution to his problem, was his plan had worked.
    She was concerned about her daddy, and he
was equally concerned about his mother, but he knew her to be a
tough woman who could take care of herself. It also provided him a
good excuse to be with Evelyn. All he needed to know was where
their parents would rendezvous next. He would take Evelyn there,
and it would be another excuse to spend time with her.
    Smiling, he reached around the small bar in
the room and drew out a bottle of wine.
    "What's that for?"
    "Us," he answered, retrieving two crystal
flutes. "To celebrate a night of exceptional spying."
    Taking the glass he offered, she began to
sip ever so daintily, then downed the whole thing. "That was
    "Ah, yes. This is another one of our many
businesses. We make the best wine you'll ever taste. Would you like
some more?"
    She nodded eagerly, and he poured another
glass and then sat on the floor, patting the marble for her to join
him. Hopefully her beautiful bottom wouldn't get too cold from
sitting on it.
    "So tell me," he crooned, taking a deep sip
and closing his eyes, "what do you miss?"
    Evelyn met his gaze. "What do you mean?"
    "Ah, you can try to hide behind that
beautiful smile, and you can pretend you love it here, but I know
how New York really is. It's not the adventurous South. So tell me,
what do you miss?"
    She let out a long sigh and put her glass on
the floor next to her. "I miss the weather. Sometimes it would get
so humid I could scarcely breathe, but I loved it. That and the
    She bit her lip thoughtfully. "Yes. Tiny
little bugs that light up at night. They're beautiful. I used to
catch them in jars."
    "Fireflies," he repeated. "Do we have them
    "I'm not sure. I've never looked."
    "Should we go hunting for some?"
    Evelyn threw him a silly smile and shrugged.
"I doubt we would find any."
    "But…" he pushed himself off the floor and
held out his hand. "It's an adventure, is it not?"
    Her gaze met his quizzically as she put her
hand in his. "Yes, I guess it is."
    Two hours later they still hadn't located
any fireflies, but Royce couldn't remember ever having such a
wonderful time with a woman. Odd, because none of the time spent
with Evelyn that night had included anything physical, unless he
counted the numerous times he had tripped over rocks in his own
    "I found something!" Evelyn yelled.
    He ran over to her and laughed. A bunny
rabbit was hopping around the tree by the garden. "I don't think
we're fast enough to catch him," he said.
    "You're probably not, but I am," she
challenged and pushed him as she ran after the tiny animal.
    Naturally, Royce felt the need to prove his
manhood and run after her. Unfortunately he didn't see the giant
rock near

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