Angel's Halo: Guardian Angel

Angel's Halo: Guardian Angel by Terri Anne Browning

Book: Angel's Halo: Guardian Angel by Terri Anne Browning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Anne Browning
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I was still sleeping or not,” I told him honestly. Lying to Hawk, even to protect my pride, just wasn’t something I could do. He deserved my complete honesty and loyalty.
    His eyes widened and his nose flared. “Baby, there are other ways to make sure you are awake or not. Hurting yourself is not one of them. Want me to show you?” Before I could even open my mouth his big hands slipped down my back and cupped my bottom. I gasped as he pulled me in closer, my legs parting of their own volition. “Gracie?”
    His voice was strained, but I could feel that he was holding back, waiting for me to give him permission to show me how he could prove I was awake. I knew what was coming, knew that he was going to kiss me as soon as I gave him the green light. Hawk’s kiss was something I’d wanted almost from the moment I’d met him—give or take six or so hours. If it were anyone else I wasn’t so sure if I could have gotten over what had nearly happened to me, but with this man I knew I was safe. I knew that he would never physically hurt me.
    I’d known that from the first morning I’d woken up with him beside me in this very bed. There was no hesitation in my nod or as I opened my mouth to tell him yes. The nod was confirmation enough, though, and his lips were brushing over mine before the smallest sound could escape.
    His breath had felt hot on my neck, but it was scalding as it burned over my lips a millisecond before his hungry mouth connected with mine. His tongue stroked across mine and I got my first real taste of him. It was minty from his toothpaste, but with the next taste I caught the flavor of something more potent underneath. It was sweet, incredibly intoxicating, and went straight to my head.
    With the next swipe of his tongue over mine my hands lifted without me realizing it. My fingers combed through his hair and tangled at his neck, holding on like it was a lifeline, as I suddenly realized I could easily drown in what Hawk Hannigan made me feel.
    His teeth nipped over my bottom lip moments before he soothed my self-inflicted wound with his tongue. My body was quickly going up in flames and I was in no doubt about whether I was awake or not. His hands tightened on my bottom, holding me against him as his hips grinded against my lower stomach. My panties flooded with my desire for him. I couldn’t hold back a moan as his hardness nudged over a swollen, sensitive spot that made stars flash behind my closed eyes.
    When Hawk lifted his head he was breathing hard, his fingers like vices on my bottom as he pressed his forehead against my own. “Damn, baby. If I knew one kiss would do that to me I would have done it a hell of a lot sooner.”
    My own breathing was coming in small, quick pants. “Yeah, me too.”
    His lips, damp from our kiss, lifted in a small grin. “We will definitely be doing more of that from now on,” he promised and kissed the tip of my nose. “But if you are serious about going to work for Uncle Jack in the morning, you better lie still so that we can get some sleep.”
    I swallowed my disappointment and nodded. “Okay,” I whispered.
    “Wake me before you leave,” he murmured as he brushed his lips over my forehead before tucking me under his chin. “And take the Chevelle. Everyone knows that it’s mine and they won’t fuck with you if they see you driving it.”
    “Okay,” I breathed, cuddling deeper against his chest. The sound of his heart was wild and it made me smile knowing that he was still just as affected by that incredible kiss as I was.
    “Night, baby.”
    “Goodnight, Hawk,” I murmured. I was asleep within minutes.

    When the alarm went off, I was half tempted to throw it across the room. I was still wrapped up in Hawk’s arms, almost chained to his body from the way his arms were so tight around me. Reluctantly I wiggled my way free and hit the off button on my alarm a little rougher than necessary.
    Behind me, Hawk grumbled something in his sleep

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