this the entire
    time. Then, after weeks of growing in his girlfriend’s womb,
    she would have him cut slowly out of her one piece at a time,
    or perhaps she’d have him vacuumed out of her quickly. She
    imagines that this act would be like having the biggest or-
    gasm of her life. She imagines climaxing, squeezing her
    thighs around the surgical equipment, as some faceless doc-
    tor brutally murders her tiny boyfriend inside of her and then
    scoops him out in pieces. After his parts are thrown away,
    Crystal imagines she would move onto another boyfriend
    and start the process all over again.

    She knows it’s a cruel fantasy to have. She doesn’t
    think of herself as a cruel person. There’s just something
    deep inside of her that attracts her to these fantasies. She’s
    worried that these feelings will make her a bad mother in the
    future. She’s worried about what they mean.

    Jason pretends like he is into this kind of pornogra-
    phy, but he’s not really. He doesn’t find it compelling nor
    disturbing. He doesn’t really care. What turns him on is
    watching Crystal masturbate so excitedly. She is, without a
    doubt, the sexiest girl in school. Even though he doesn’t get
    to have real sex with her very much, just masturbating while
    watching her touch herself is good enough for him.

    Crystal’s moans can be heard throughout the entire
    cabin as she masturbates. Desdemona and Kevin are in their
    room, listening to the moans through the air vent and gig-
    gling to each other.

    “They sure sound like they’re having fun,” Kevin says.

    “Yeah,” Desdemona says, “with their boring mis-
    sionary sex.”

    Rick is making a bed on the floor with their sleeping
    bags. He is nervous with anticipation. Adrenalin and alcohol
    are pumping through his system. He feels like his head is float-
    ing. He has been waiting for this night for a long time now.

    Desdemona pulls off her top to reveal her tattooed
    breasts. The collage of pink, purple, and baby blue butter-
    flies flutter across her chest and circle her nipples. Kevin
    pulls off her shorts and panties, as she pulls off his shirt and
    caresses his smooth head.

    Rick hesitates taking off his clothing. His hand is
    shaking. He doesn’t know how to break the news to them.

    Stephanie is in the bathroom brushing her teeth. Again.
    She has lost all feeling in her mouth. Her gums are so bloody
    that her teeth have turned pink. There isn’t any water in the
    sink, so she rinses out her mouth with warm, flat beer.

    Something moves in the corner of her eye. Some kind
    of shadow casts over her for a brief moment. She turns and
    looks. It is gone now. It came from the bathroom window
    above the shower. Stephanie has no idea what it could be.

    She steps onto the edge of the bathtub and looks out
    of the window. There is a pine tree next to the window.
    Some of the branches on the tree are rocking back and forth,
    but there isn’t any wind. Something must have brushed by
    them. Something big, like an elk. She scans the dimly lit
    landscape for animals, but there is nothing there. She contin-
    ues watching, brushing her teeth slowly, until the branches
    slow their swaying to a standstill.

    “I have a confession to make,” Rick tells Desdemona
    and Kevin.

    Desdemona and Kevin are naked and kissing each
    other hard. The kind of kissing you only do when you’re ex-
    tremely drunk and horny. They pull themselves away from
    each other to hear Rick out. They don’t understand why he
    hasn’t taken his clothes off yet.

    “I’m really sorry,” Rick says, “but I’ve been lying to
    you both.”

    “Lying?” Kevin says. “About what?”

    “I never had a urinary tract infection,” Rick says. “I
    wanted it to be a surprise for you. That was just my cover
    story so that I wouldn’t have to have sex with you while it

    “While what healed?” Desdemona asks.

    Rick opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes
    out. His face turns red and he

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