smiles nervously. He decides
    to show them instead of tell them. He pulls down his pants.

    Kevin and Desdemona can’t really tell what he’s try-
    ing to show them. They move in closer. Then it hits them
    and both of their mouths drop open.

    “What the fuck?” Desdemona says.

    “No fucking way,” Kevin says. “You’re fucking with
    us, right?”

    Rick doesn’t have a penis anymore.

    “What happened?” Desdemona cries. “This isn’t for
    real, is it?”

    Rick spreads open the lips of his vagina to prove to
    them that it is real.

    “It’s a fucking vagina!” Kevin cries, laughing.

    Rick suddenly feels embarrassed and ashamed.

    “I had the operation on my birthday,” Rick says. “It’s
    beautiful, isn’t it?”

    “That’s fucking insane, bra!” Kevin says.

    “You mean you did this on purpose?” Desdemona

    By the tone of Desdemona’s voice, Rick can tell she
    doesn’t approve. She steps away from him.

    “You don’t like it?” Rick asks her.

    “What do you think?” Desdemona snaps. “I’m
    straight. Of course I don’t like vagina.”

    “But it’s my vagina,” Rick says. “And you like

    “I’m not a lesbian. I like guys. Why would I want
    you to have a sex change?”

    “I didn’t have a sex change,” Rick says. “I’m still a
    guy. I just wanted to have a vagina instead of a penis.”

    “That makes you a girl,” Desdemona says.

    “But I’m not going to change anything else about
    me,” he says. “I’ll still be exactly like me. The sex will just
    be better.”

    “How will sex be better?” Desdemona asks. “It was
    perfect before. The dick-to-hole ratio was perfect. Now
    we’re short one dick. What are we supposed to do, use a

    “I bought a strap-on,” Rick says.

    Desdemona shakes her head. “This really sucks.”

    “I think it’s pretty fucked up that he didn’t tell us,”
    Kevin says to Desdemona. “But, you know, there’s no go-
    ing back for him now. We might as well accept it and move

    Desdemona looks down at her feet and grumbles.
    Rick approaches her.

    “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about it,” Rick says. “But
    this is what I really wanted. This is who I really am. Inside,
    I have always been a man with a vagina.”

    Desdemona snorts at him.

    “Look,” Rick says, opening his vagina to her. “Just
    give it a shot. I’m sure you’ll grow to like it.”

    “I guess I’ll give it a try,” Desdemona says.

    Rick claps his hands.

    “Great!” he says. Then he lies down on his sleeping
    bag and spreads his legs, waiting to be fucked like a woman.

    Desdemona and Kevin look at each other. Desde-
    mona rolls her eyes. Kevin shrugs at Des and goes down on
    his hands and knees. He slides his penis into Rick’s vagina
    and they both grunt.

    “This is fucking ridiculous,” Desdemona mutters, as
    she squats down into Rick’s face so that he can give her oral

    From the bathroom, Stephanie can hear everyone
    else in the cabin having sex. Kevin’s moaning is the loud-
    est. Stephanie has had the biggest crush on Kevin ever
    since Freshman year. She closes her eyes and concen-
    trates on Kevin’s voice. A smile curls up on her lips. It’s
    the only genuine smile to cross her face in months. Then
    the smile turns to a frown.

    Stephanie hates Desdemona. She hates how Des
    has two boyfriends and she doesn’t even have one. She
    thinks Des is a greedy bitch.

    Kevin should be my boyfriend , Stephanie always

    She hopes that someday Kevin will be her boy-
    friend. She hopes that he will marry her. Then he’ll pro-
    tect her from her brother. He’ll take her away from her
    horrible family. He’ll make sure nothing bad happens to
    her ever again. If it wasn’t for Desdemona maybe Kevin

    would have already done these things for her. Maybe
    none of the crap she is going through right now ever
    would have happened.

    Her eyes drift shut as she imagines Kevin mak-
    ing love to

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