His bratwurst and onion
    breath against her face turns her off completely.

    “I brought a surprise with me,” he says. “Something
    that’s going to blow you away.”

    Her eyes light up. She turns around.

    “You mean . . .” she begins.

    He nods.

    “Serious?” she says.

    He goes to his backpack and pulls out a stack of pho-
    tographs. He looks down on them and licks his lips. Then
    he looks at Crystal and nods his head. Crystal raises her
    eyebrows at him and sits up.

    “Fucking awesome,” Crystal says.

    Jason brings the photos to her and drops them in her
    lap. She spreads them out across the bed quickly. Her eyes
    go wild at all of the imagery.

    “Ooooh, yeah ,” Crystal says, rolling her tongue in
    the air as she looks through them.

    They take off their clothes and sit on opposite sides
    of the bed, examining the photographs. The pictures are of
    naked Asian women who are in the middle of getting abor-
    tions. When Crystal sees one of the half-aborted fetuses, she
    slides a clean glass baby arm-shaped dildo between her legs
    and bites her lower lip.

    Crystal has a fetish for erotic abortions. It is a highly
    illegal and quickly growing phenomenon in the underground
    pornography world. The majority of it comes from some
    poverty-stricken region of Asia. Crystal heard about the fe-
    tish online. At first she thought it was gross and kind of
    funny, but then it started to turn her on.

    Jason and Crystal don’t really have sex very much.
    Sometimes, but not very often. Crystal doesn’t like to have
    sex. She doesn’t like fingers touching her vagina, not even
    her own fingers. Fingers disturb her for some reason. They
    gross her out. She doesn’t like penises, either, because they
    remind her of giant swollen fingers. So her sex life with Ja-
    son mostly consists of masturbating together while looking
    at erotic images.

    When she masturbates, Crystal always uses a dildo.
    She never uses her fingers. Her favorite dildos are made of
    glass or metal. She likes the cold hardness of glass and met-
    al. Jason always asks her why her favorite dildo is shaped
    like a baby arm, and she always gives the same answer.

    “There’s fingers on it,” Jason always says. “I thought
    you were disturbed by fingers?”

    “I am,” Crystal always says. “But they kind of turn
    me on, too.”

    Jason doesn’t really understand Crystal. He doesn’t
    understand why she is so easily disturbed by food and fin-
    gers, yet finds pictures of abortions sexually gratifying. He
    assumes she has some major issues.

    A lot of the abortion porn involves sex. Sometimes
    there will be a guy forcing the woman to suck his dick while
    she is getting an abortion. Other times the aborted fetus parts
    will be used in some kind of depraved sexual acts by the
    people watching the abortion. The parts are usually sucked
    on or inserted vaginally. There have been rumors about a
    video where a woman inserts every piece of a freshly abort-

    ed fetus into her asshole and then shits it out onto another
    woman’s breasts. Both Crystal and Jason hate this kind of
    thing. They think that the pornographers cross the line when
    they incorporate sex into the abortion. Crystal thinks it’s not
    only in bad taste, but it also ruins the fantasy.

    Crystal has never had an abortion, but she imagines it
    to be a sensual and erotic experience. The thought of having
    a living being grow inside of her and then having it removed
    drives her wild. While masturbating, she likes to imagine that
    she is the one receiving the abortions in the photos. And she
    likes to imagine that Jason is the fetus that is being aborted.

    She likes to think that she has magic powers and
    could transform her boyfriend into a pool of cum while he
    masturbates. Then she fantasizes about how she would col-
    lect him into a turkey baster and then squirt him inside of her.
    He would become a part of her, develop into a fetus inside of
    her body. He would be consciously aware of

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