ARIANNA: An Original Screenplay

ARIANNA: An Original Screenplay by Mehul Desai Page A

Book: ARIANNA: An Original Screenplay by Mehul Desai Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mehul Desai
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    ELLIOTT (CONT'D): Sophie's not been seen
    since the Festival.
    Kylan continues to work on the gate.
    KYLAN: I'm sure she's all right.
    Elliott slowly approaches.
    ELLIOTT: Isotta's quite upset.
    Kylan nods, quiet.
    Elliott stops beside him.
    ELLIOTT (CONT'D): One of Cantor's hands
    has also disappeared. Left behind his pay.
    Kylan feels his father staring down at him.
    ELLIOTT (CONT'D): Did you speak with
    Kylan climbs to his feet and checks the hinges.
    KYLAN: No.
    Elliott watches him clean his hands.
    ELLIOTT: (beat) It's a good day for a ride.
    KYLAN: I have a lot still to do.
    Elliott hands him a saddle.
    ELLIOTT: Take it. He needs to stretch his
    Kylan looks at his father and nods, moving to Kanthaka.
    ELLIOTT (CONT'D): Kylan.
    He takes out Alana's ring.
    ELLIOTT (CONT'D): Don't leave this lying
    around your room.
    Kylan looks at the ring, then slowly takes it.
    Elliott watches him fasten on the saddle.
    He draws back - wanting to say more - but then turns away.
    CUT TO.
    Kanthaka gallops. Kylan riding.
    He looks ahead and sees a figure walking towards the woods.
    He pulls on the reins and turns in its direction.
    The figure, cloaked and hooded, carries a sack over the shoulder.
    Kylan slows Kanthaka down and climbs down.
    KYLAN: Hello there!
    The figure sees a shadow on the ground and stops. Face hidden under the hood.
    KYLAN (CONT'D): Are you lost?
    A kitchen knife is slowly drawn.
    KYLAN (CONT'D): Are you all right?
    The figure spins around, lashing out with the knife.
    Kylan jumps back, falling to the ground.
    Arianna stops.
    Kylan looks up.
    KYLAN (CONT'D): Rianna??
    Arianna looks down at him, the knife trembling in her hand.
    KYLAN (CONT'D): What in the blue moons
    are you doing??
    She looks up at the sky, still shaking.
    Kylan gets to his feet and sees the sack on the floor, food and clothing inside.
    KYLAN (CONT'D): What's going on?
    Arianna lowers the knife.
    Kylan sees the cold fear in her eyes.
    KYLAN (CONT'D): Where are you going?
    He forces eye contact.
    KYLAN (CONT'D): What's wrong with you?
    Arianna grabs the sack off of the floor and backs away, eyes still searching the sky.
    KYLAN (CONT'D): Why are you running?
    She stops and looks at him.
    She quickly points to him, the direction of the farm, then waves away from the land.
    KYLAN (CONT'D): “Leave”? Why should
    we leave?
    She turns him around and points to the horizon.
    Kylan steps forward and pauses, shielding his eyes from the sun.
    A tiny object is glimpsed Slowly moving through he clouds in a clean steady line.
    KYLAN (CONT'D): What the...
    Arianna pulls at his arm.
    Kylan looks back at her.
    She again points to him, the farm, then waves away.
    KYLAN (CONT'D): Hold on hold on, just
    hold on.
    He glances back at the object, confused.
    KYLAN (CONT'D): Wait here, just wait here
    and don't go anywhere.
    Arianna shakes her head, retreating to the woods.
    KYLAN (CONT'D): All right all right fine,
    go into the forest, just wait by the stream.
    We'll come get you in a short while OK?
    Arianna's eyes are back on the sky.
    Kylan forces eye contact again.
    KYLAN (CONT'D): Do you understand?
    Arianna looks at him and slowly nods, pulling herself together.
    Kylan climbs back onto his horse as she scrambles into the woods.
    He turns Kanthaka around and looks out at the object again.
    He glances left, back towards the farm, but then pushes on in the direction of the object.
    Arianna stops and looks back at him.
    Her fear returning.
    CUT TO.
    Kanthaka stops, Kylan lightly pulling on the reins.
    Screams are heard in the distance.
    Kylan looks ahead and sees the town below, three of the

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