hair back in a twist. The woman regarded Casey icily before turning her attention back to the front.
As she rounded the table toward Andre, her mind raced looking for an excuse not to walk over to him. Finally, she tried to place the handout on the table in front of him but he reached out and took it so their fingers brushed. She snatched her hand back at the contact, determined to ignore the thrill of his touch. It was an impossible task, especially now that she knew what those strong, slender fingers were capable of.
Andre regarded her thoughtfully before speaking to the rest of the group.
“Let’s test it out.”
Everyone at the table turned to face them. Casey backed up and stood off to the side. She didn’t know what the next section of the program was but it wouldn’t hurt for her to stay out of the way.
Milo and Mya exchanged confused looks. Law shifted in his seat. He opened his mouth but after a glance at Andre’s determined face, he stayed silent.
“I need to finalize the slogan and marketing campaign before fashion week. We only have about three weeks.” Andre ran his hands over his hair and sighed. “We’re running out of time.”
“What do you mean test it out?” Mya asked. “Did you want us to set up a focus group and survey different demographics…”
Andre stood and waved impatiently. “No time for that. This is the third slogan we’ve tried, so I think it’s time we get a little creative. Besides, we have a member of our prime demographic group right here.”
Andre walked over to Casey and took her by the hand. Eyes wide, she followed him as he pulled her to the center of the room. Nervous, she folded her hands in front of her and tried not to fidget.
What was he doing? She should have known not to trust that easy smile. If he’d decided to get revenge on her for running out on him Saturday night, then he’d picked the perfect way to do it. There were few things she hated more than being put on display.
Andre walked over to the computer and pulled up an image of a young man wearing a sleek, black suit. The logo “Livin’ the Lavin Life” was splashed across the top of the photo in red.
“When you see this advertisement, what is the first thing that pops into your mind?” Andre strolled around the conference table until he stood next to her. His voice was mild and he had his thumbs casually tucked into his pockets, but his posture didn’t fool her. Her answer mattered to him. A lot.
“Um…I don’t know.” She glanced over her shoulder where everyone sat watching them. Mya looked nervous whereas Milo seemed amused. Law, on the other hand, was furious.
“This is my first advertising job. I don’t know much about this stuff.”
Andre noticed her peeking over her shoulder and pulled her to his side. “Uh-uh, piccolina ,” he whispered. “Don’t look at them, look at the picture. Just tell me how it makes you feel.”
Casey heaved a great sigh. The man in the advertisement was handsome at least and not fashion-model thin like the ones she’d seen in other ads. The colors were vibrant and there was a diverse group of people in the background. Still, there was something off about the whole thing.
Later, she’d always wonder what happened in the next few moments. Maybe it was standing so close to the man who ignited her strongest fantasies, listening to the soft rasp of his breathing surrounded by the enticing scent of his cologne. Or maybe it was the intoxicating idea of someone listening to her and treating her as if they valued her opinion. Whatever the case, her usual shyness fled and she found herself speaking from the heart.
“The ad is perfect. It’s fun and energetic. There’s nothing wrong with the ad.” Casey looked over at Andre and smiled. “It’s just not what I would associate with you.”
Behind her Law let out a soft groan. Andre’s eyes rounded before he threw his head back and roared with laughter. There were a few soft titters behind them.
Delores Fossen
Roseanna M. White
Angela Highland
Nancy Martin
Dianne Warren
Megan Lindholm
Beverley Hollowed
Alastair Sarre
Terri Farley