handed it to Casey. “Just follow my lead. It’s fine. Everything is under control.”
Casey gave up trying to talk sense into Anya. It was too late to do anything about it now because it was almost three o’clock. She couldn’t pretend to be sick or suddenly remember she had a doctor’s appointment. The best she could do was just grit her teeth and try not to screw up.
Anya walked down to the largest conference room and immediately crossed to the sideboard where the food was. Law walked up and said something that caused Anya to turn her back to him. Law stood staring at the stiff set of her shoulders for a moment before walking away.
Casey hugged the stack of papers against her chest and let out a soft breath of relief. He wasn’t here yet so she still had time to get herself together.
She heard a soft sound behind her. She turned and slammed into something that felt like concrete. “Ouch!” She clutched frantically at the sheets of paper but it was no use. Dozens of white sheets fell to the floor and scattered across the room.
Everything went completely still. Casey flushed as every eye in the room turned her way. Including the eyes attached to the body she’d just crashed into.
The very firm, black-suited body.
She peeked up tentatively. A pair of somber gray eyes stared back.
“I am so sorry, Mr. Lavin.” She knelt and started gathering the handouts. She looked up to see everyone watching. To be precise, they were watching the man now kneeling on her right.
Andre Lavin was actually down on the floor collecting the papers at his feet into a neat pile. She closed her eyes as shame washed over her in waves. So much for remaining inconspicuous. Not only was everyone staring, but she had the agency’s biggest client scrabbling around on the floor.
“Oh no, please don’t do that. You’ll get all dirty.” She took the pile of paper he’d collected and tugged at his arm.
“I don’t mind. It was my fault after all.” He stood in one swift motion. “Besides, I don’t mind getting a little dirty.”
A slow, suggestive grin spread over his face and her heart began to beat so hard she feared she would drop everything all over again. Just to be safe, she set it all down on the conference table.
Anya walked over and picked up half the handouts. Everyone had finally turned their attention to other things but Casey still felt conspicuous.
Probably because Andre hadn’t taken those penetrating eyes off her since the collision.
He stood, casually elegant with his hands in his pockets. There was no censure in his gaze for the way she’d run out on him Saturday night. His smile was just as warm as always. She could almost forget the past weekend had even happened. Until his eyes dropped to her breasts and his lips curled into a small smile. Her nipples turned traitor and peaked under his gaze, pushing against the fabric of her top. His eyes homed in on the sharp points immediately. The man had no shame.
Casey coughed and turned away, trying to get her breathing under control. The lights dimmed slightly, which prodded her into action. She had work to do and the agency wasn’t paying her to stand around and ogle handsome men. Even irresistible Italian ones.
Everyone took their seats as the presentation began. Not for the first time, she marveled at how fluidly Milo and Mya worked together. They each presented a separate section of the presentation and at times finished each other’s sentences when one or the other got stuck explaining a point.
It must be wonderful to have someone who understands you that way.
She circled the table slowly, distributing the handouts relevant to the next part of the presentation. Anya had already given them out on her side of the conference table, leaving Casey to hand them to Andre and the other members of his company.
There was Jason Gaultier, a tall, blond man who ran the financial division and an older woman she’d never seen before who wore her striking silver
Michael Innes
J.A. Cipriano
Shelley Freydont
Compiled by Christopher C. Payne
Kate Lynne
Juliet Marillier
Nancy Herkness
Melanie Marks
Sarah Hall
Lauren Hawkeye