Asking For Trouble
    "I just wanted to make sure you're safe,
darlin'...I was worried," he admitted in a low intimate voice that
grated on her nerves, because it turned her on and it
    "I'm fine, I'm with Chase Rhodes and we're
on our way to my parents house. I should be there in forty you can put your mind at rest."
    She swore she heard a growl then Beau said
in a dark voice, "What the fuck are you doing with Chase
    "Again, none of your business, goodbye,
Beau," she said and pushed the end call button.
    Her phone immediately rang again and she
glanced at the caller ID and it said unknown, so she figured it was
him calling back and sent it to voicemail, then tossed her phone in
her purse. "That man irritates the hell out of me...he has some
nerve," she mumbled.
    "Who Beau Bowman?" Chase asked and glanced
over at her, then back to the road.
    "'s none of his business who I'm
with, or where I'm at...but he sure acts like it is," Jazzie told
him with a shake of her head. Crossing her arms under her breasts,
she looked out the window.
    "Ya'll looked pretty cozy in front of that
shop...I thought maybe..." Chase ventured with an edge to his
    Jazzie looked over at his profile and saw
that his jaw was clenched. He must've seen Beau kiss her outside of
the shop. "Well things definitely went downhill from there," she
said with a snort. "If I never see that man again, it'll be too
    "Can't say I'm not happy to hear that,"
Chase said and grinned at her, a big wide sexy grin.
    Jazzie sighed, because that damned fine
grin, on that damned handsome man, didn't do a damned thing
for her and it irritated her, because she wanted it to. Maybe if
she spent a little more time with Chase, and thought less about
Beau Bowman, it would happen, eventually. Beau Bowman had gotten
under her skin, even though it pained her to admit it, and it was
gonna be like extracting cactus needles to get him out.
    She gave Chase directions to her house, then
sat back and watched the bright sun, slowly sinking below the
horizon behind the tall skyscraper buildings that comprised the
beautiful Dallas skyline. When they finally pulled up in front of
her parents home, and Chase shut off the truck, the front door flew
open and out poured the Ramos crew; Raffie, Chichi, Carlos, Joe,
her mother, and lagging behind was Jazzie's father with the
grandkids, and her sisters-in-law.
    Her heart pinched, because Frankie wasn't
among them. Her family was tight-knit, they took care of each
other, and she knew everyone was grieving because Frankie was
missing. She had to be strong to help hold things together, even
though she wanted to drop to her knees and wail with them.
    The house was lit up like a Christmas tree
and when she got out of the truck, she smelled enchiladas. Her
mother had probably been cooking all day, that's what she did when
she was worried. Before Jazzie could step onto the sidewalk, the
entire family surrounded her in a group hug, and they were all
wailing and talking ninety miles an hour. Emotion pushed up into
her throat too, but she swallowed it down, and grabbed her mother
in a tight hug.
    "We'll find him mama...don't worry," she
said then kissed her cheek.
    She saw Chase walk around the back of the
truck and he lifted her suitcase out and pulled the handle up. She
walked over to him, and took the handle, then leaned up and kissed
his cheek. "Thanks for everything, Chase," she said then stepped
    All of the talking stopped and she heard a
collective gasp, and knew she was in deep trouble. He smiled down
at her and put his hand on her cheek then said, "You're welcome,
darlin'. I'm glad I could help. I'll let you know what I find out the mean time, you have my number if you need
    Carlos stepped up and nudged her shoulder,
and she knew Chase wasn't going to be able to make an exit without
introductions. That was the way of

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