provincial governments as the regional arm of power and local authorities carrying out government edicts at the ground level. All policing activities fell under the same umbrella. There is a closer working arrangement between the military and domestic law enforcement. There is no toleration of dissention except for sanctioned events that gave the appearance that people still had free speech.”
    An image of the flag appeared on the screen. “To reinforce his changes, Burnsom decreed that the flag should be modified to represent the new order. The stars and stripes became six white stars in a red circle representing the provinces and the stripes became blue on the white field. The old flag is outlawed as it is considered a form of rebellion.”
    “War is made less costly in terms of human life. Military technology laid waste to the enemy who could only muster precious human capital to wage war. Burnsom chose his battles carefully to minimize casualties. Soldiers would follow the technology to victory. Vast artillery batteries and pilotless drones softened up the enemy. While this minimized casualties, there are still far too many for the populace.”
    Taylor and Christine were a part of that and they took special pride in helping to protect the country and its soldiers. The narrator catches their attention again. “Burnsom has used this superior capability to intimidate citizens who protested the authority and enemies outside the country. This fact is not well known to the general public”
    Taylor is not pleased to see it used against the country’s citizens. “I never intended it for that purpose.”
    Christine looks up at him, “No one ever does.”
    “I guess so,” Taylor laments. They are beginning to see that every good intention, if not carefully implemented could result in some harm to someone. The government taught that unrestricted liberty could harm others, but now they are learning that the opposite is also true.
    The screen displays charts and graphs to show that Burnsom still had a problem with revenues keeping pace with expenditures. “Continued issues with revenues are addressed with exports of natural resources. Transportation changed as the supply of fossil and synthetic fuels became profitable exports for the country. Automated aquaculture became successful using nanobots. Fish, maintained in offshore farms with troublesome fencing methods now roam free with the nano technology ticking away inside them. At the appropriate time, the nanobots would control the animal and steer it toward the inland corrals for harvesting. Once in the pen the nanobots would exit the animal through the intestines. Their job done, they would self-destruct. They are aware of the dangers of nano technology. They could not be captured and reverse engineered for destructive purposes so self-destruct mechanisms are built in for several scenarios.”
    Taylor looks at Christine. “Trent worked on that project. That’s why I selected him for our project.”
    Various houses and apartments appear on the screen. “People are not allowed to live in single-family homes as in the past. Everyone has to live in apartment complexes close to work centers, ride busses and bicycles. If you are lucky enough to be important to the government, or a bureaucrat, you might qualify for an electric vehicle or in some cases, a fossil fueled vehicle. Rising in the ranks might get you a single-family dwelling. There used to be single-family homes for even those in poverty. Doctors, engineers and other scientists receive compensation for their discoveries and inventions with a home as their reward or compensation. In the past, entrepreneurs could start with little and with the right idea become successful and employ many in their business. Entrepreneurs, now bureaucrats with the right connections, could work within the system and create new government businesses. They would gain a fraction of the wealth they would have amassed in the past, but still

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