At the Behest of the Dead

At the Behest of the Dead by Timothy W. Long

Book: At the Behest of the Dead by Timothy W. Long Read Free Book Online
Authors: Timothy W. Long
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    Take offs are the worst part.
    I took a few awkward steps.
    Running with a pitchfork between your legs isn’t the smartest thing a man can do. Hit a bump and you’re singing soprano for the evening. I forked my fingers and slowly raised them. The wood responded and even warmed as I funneled more energy. I was in the air in a half heartbeat and then roaring over the woods two beats later. Energy caressed the tines and made some kind of deal with the air that allowed me to stay aloft. As much as we have researched witchcraft , we don’t really understand half of it.
    Back when we came out of the magic closet , a bunch of physicists tried to break our art into a science. They worked with the league, sequestered themselves in a lab with a couple of witches and warlocks. They came out with a huge volume of research papers but they still couldn’t explain jack.
    My stomach was in my throat in another heartbeat and I wished I had thought to prepare some ginger tea because it really t ook the edge off motion sickness.
    I passed houses and stores a moment later and kept heading north. I took to a respectable height to avoid the stares , but not high enough so as to run into air traffic. I buzzed to the east a bit so as to avoid Auburn’s tiny airport.
    A shape came up behind me fast and I ducked involuntarily. There was a screech as Frank zipped overhead, his mighty wings beating at the sky in a display of precision that never ceased to send chills up and down my cynical old spine. The hawk beak turned, tiny eyes moving with them, and I swear he winked at me.
    I gave him the finger in return.
    I passed from cloud to cloud. Rain from one, and a mist from another.
    We sailed over the landscape and I veered toward Interstate 5 and let it guide me into the city. Not that I could get lost up here. Landmarks were etched in my brain that hadn’t changed in many years. The lay of the land, the sweep of the hills. The northwest is not a flat area. It’s covered in green, which makes finding landing spots a pain at times. You can’t exactly land on a street, and a backyard is normally too short and apt to draw the ire of the homeowner. It’s best to find a small neighborhood and make sure there aren’t any cars about to back out of driveways.
    I have a large plot of land and an area setup for landings , but it isn’t without its risks, like the molehill I tried to close up earlier. Landing on that could make problems, like a sprained ankle, broken wrist, or a thoroughly ruffed up sense of pride.
    Frank swooped away from me and dove toward a pair of smaller birds below. He screamed past them and they took off in another direction.
    Was that how he got his kicks?
    It only took about ten minutes to reach the outer limits of the city. Traffic was clogged up as it led into Seattle but I peeled off, following Alaska way so as to bleed of speed and height with gentle dips and pulls at the stick.
    My hands were sweaty around the old groove where the hangman’s noose used to lay. Can’t wear gloves on a fork. It breaks the contact with the cusp and the wood. Break the bond and break up on the ground.
    The buildings came up fast, warehouses and shops, a luxury automobile dealer and a donut shop. People stopped and glanced up. Look Mom, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, no, it’s a filthy witch up to no good.
    Someone cat-called to me. A long low whistle. Frank flew over the man and deposited a load of white that splattered at his feet, sending the hapless guy jumping back in shock. I burst out laughing.
    We flew over the baseball stadium and then the football stadium, which for some inexplicable reason couldn’t have been combined. Taxpayers would be paying those things off for decades. Th ey were beautiful, though. Especially the baseball field with its moving roof. Best thing in Seattle is a roof.
    I wanted to get close to the crime scenes so I dropped low, passed over a Starbucks at about thirty feet , and flared a bit of power into

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