Ayden's Secret
man wasn’t his father. He wasn’t Noel’s father, but he loved them both as though he had planted both their seeds. He’d have to give him a call today.
    “Is Malcolm out there?” Joshua asked as Ayden entered.
    “Take it easy on the kid,” Ayden said as he nodded.
    Joshua stepped out on the porch. Reaching his arms up, he grabbed the roof and stretched. Malcolm was pacing the porch of all places, for the whole world to see.
    “So what’s going on?” Joshua didn’t look at him.
    “What do you mean?” Malcolm gave an exasperated sigh and sat in the rocker. He didn’t want to discuss this with her brother.
    “Well last night Evelyn said you had asked her to marry you. I would guess she said yes. Evelyn also let me know you would be staying in the guest room from now on, but this morning the vandals were decorating you.” Joshua smiled. He wasn’t like his mother. He could accept Stephanie was grown. He just liked messing with Malcolm. This morning, however, the kid looked beat, and his sister was pissed. He felt a twinge of guilt for that. “I’ll tell Stephanie that she has my blessing. I hope this morning had nothing to do with me.”
    “No. It has to do with me. I don’t feel comfortable talking to you about it.” Malcolm dropped his head back on the rocker, closed his eyes, and smiled. He understood why Joshua gave him a hard time; his little sister was sixteen, and he terrorized any guys that came near her. Part of why he respected Joshua so much was because of how he treated women. He knew that a lot of Stephanie’s temper tantrums and spoiled ways came from her brother. Joshua let the girl get away with murder and dared any man to question her about it. Malcolm was the same with Raven, and his little sister Raven was a little diva indeed.
    “Why not? I mean, I have been married to a moody difficult woman for a year now, I may have some insight for you.” Joshua couldn’t imagine much more than a lovers’ quarrel.
    “You want to hear it, Big Dog?” Malcolm had been waiting two years to get the best of Joshua, just unsettle him. Joshua had joked, played and tortured him the last two years because of Stephanie. She did no wrong in Joshua’s eyes. Let’s see how Miss Innocent stacked up now.
    “Shoot.” Joshua stretched again.
    “She wanted me to sleep with her last night.” Malcolm opened one eye to watch his reaction.
    “So you slept on the couch instead?” Joshua hung his head. Damn he was a good man, stronger than Joshua was at that age. “And now she feels rejected.”
    “You may not believe this, but I understand completely. Evelyn all but tied my ass up and took advantage of me. What’s your plan?” Joshua half turned to see him.
    “Still working on it.” Malcolm closed the eye.
    “Take my advice, and get some rest. You’re going to need it.” Joshua headed back inside. He knew that Malcolm respected his little sister and that Stephanie would probably wear him down eventually, just like Evelyn had. They were getting married anyways. What difference did it make in the long run? Except that, he wanted to be the first to have children.
    Malcolm dozed off on the porch with the sun warming his face. Joshua was right. He was going to need rest. Tonight he would sleep in that bed and still keep his promise. Ayden was right also. Maybe if he just took care of her she would let things be.
    Up the street at Ayden’s house, Charlie and Stephanie plotted and schemed at his kitchen table. Charlie was so happy to have her around. They bonded instantly. She found a part of herself she was missing. Michael was her world; they shared everything. Ayden was the only other person she trusted. Now Stephanie was there, so genuine and open. Stephanie needed someone to talk to who wasn’t related to her. Charlie just needed someone other than Ayden. They fit together perfectly.
    It was almost noon, when the blondes decided to show up. Grace, Evelyn, and Megan were out

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