Back in Service
false. ‘Let me introduce you to the new members of our household.’ She bestowed a slightly warmer smile on Hetty. ‘Here is Jane, my personal maid and your replacement.’
    A pretty young woman moved forward and gave a brief curtsey. Hetty liked the look of her at once. There was a complete absence of guile in her lovely face, which was lit up by a smile that made her blue eyes shine like sapphires. She immediately hoped they might become friends.
    ‘Now, Leo, I see you are most surprised to see whom I have engaged as your father’s nurse,’ his mother finally acknowledged his expression. ‘It is many years since you saw Nanny Baines, is it not?’
    Hetty realised Leo was still in a state of shock when he merely mumbled a greeting to the formidable nurse. She was puzzled by his reaction, but when her turn came to be introduced to the woman, all she received was a formal nod.
    The long serving members of the household greeted the young couple more warmly. Sir Victor’s effete valet had left his employ, presumably because Nanny Baines now performed all his former functions, but Mrs Saddler was still the cook and had kept her faithful kitchen staff with her.
    Hetty was glad to get inside and take off her damp cloak. She was then invited to take tea with Lady Alice and Jane in the drawing room. Sir Victor was not going to be present, and with luck she might be able to avoid him entirely during her daily life at Longton.
    ‘So, my dear, how do you feel being back here again?’ her former mistress enquired as she poured fragrant lapsang souchong into a porcelain cup.
    ‘It is… rather strange,’ Hetty admitted. ‘I left as a servant and now I am returning as Leo’s wife.’
    ‘That is so, but remember I am still first lady here.’ The firm response was only somewhat softened by an ironic smile.
    ‘Yes, of course,’ she hastened to reassure her hostess. ‘I would not wish to usurp your position, Lady Alice. Yet I do wonder what my position here will be, since I feel I belong neither upstairs nor downstairs, but somewhere betwixt and between.’
    ‘I am sure you will be of great help to your husband, my dear. He will need help now he is to be running the estate by himself. You always struck me as a level-headed girl, Hetty, and that is what is needed here now to get things back on an even keel.’ She sighed abruptly. ‘I am afraid things have been allowed to run to seed.’
    ‘But am I to have no proper status in the household?’ she persisted.
    ‘I am afraid we cannot afford to provide a lady’s maid for you. Still, I am sure you are used to making do, and you always manage to look well turned out. I am sure we can devise some duties for you if you wish to keep yourself occupied. These days, I am often indisposed and would be glad of someone to discuss menus with the cook in my place, or occasionally to play hostess when Sir Victor entertains his friends.’
    This last remark struck terror into Hetty’s heart. She knew exactly what kind of entertainment the debauched squire liked to offer his guests. Lady Alice always withdrew after dinner and played no part in the lewd proceedings that followed, but Hetty doubted she would be allowed the same leeway.
    Lady Alice leaned forward and patted her hand. ‘I am sure you will be happy here despite all that has occurred in the past. Leo and my husband are reconciled, and Nanny Baines takes good care of Victor. She was my son’s nanny, you know, until he left for boarding school when he was nine years old. Now she is looking after his poor father. A case of “from cradle to grave” most likely.’ She laughed breathlessly, and suddenly her hand flew to her forehead. ‘Oh dear… sudden laughter plays havoc with my headache. I think I shall retire now, but you need not come with me, Jane. Have a little chat, the two of you. I am sure you will enjoy comparing notes about this house and its occupants.’
    The mistress of the house rose and left the drawing room

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