Bad Behavior (Bad in Baltimore)
friend in the world. Without Gavin, it would have taken Beach a lot longer to learn how hard he got off with a dick up his ass. That fucking a friend was as much fun as talking a girl out of her pants.
    “Just tell me if we’re dealing with boy trouble or girl trouble.” Gavin’s voice held the smile that hadn’t made it to his face. “Because I’m not really much help with girls.”
    “It’s more me. No, everything’s functioning fine, thank you,” Beach added to forestall Gavin’s amusement over any need for a little blue pill. “But…” Beach considered whether he’d want to do any of the things he’d looked at online with a woman being…dominant, and shook his head. “We are also talking about a man.”
    Gavin didn’t say anything. With a nod he went back to slicing off bite-sized pieces of breakfast. The bastard.
    But aside from the way he limited himself to only picking from one team, Gavin was the most sexually adventurous person Beach knew. If anyone had experience in the kind of thing Beach couldn’t stop thinking about, it was Gavin.
    “Your cop—Jamie. He’s kind of bossy.”
    “Oh shit. Beach. Jamie told me what you said. About the probation officer harassing you. I am so sorry for teasing you. If I thought—”
    Beach waved that off. “That was only an annoyance. It’s been taken care of.”
    “Good.” Gavin stopped with his fork on its way to his mouth. “So then what do you mean by Jamie being bossy?”
    Gavin’s gaze made Beach feel as if he were pinned on the end of the fork. “I— Has he—? Do you—? Is he bossy about things in a sex way?”
    Gavin’s eyes dipped in disappointment. “That’s it? You have a sudden kink for BDSM?”
    It hadn’t felt like that, as easy to sum up in some initials used to label Internet porn. The man’s command. The way Beach wanted to be with him. It wasn’t like anything he’d ever seen. And he’d seen plenty. “Not the leather and the whips. More…” Beach lowered his voice to a whisper, “…about him taking charge. I mean. Of everything.”
    “Leather or not, that’s what it is, Beach. I hear there’s plenty of it around.”
    “Sorry to disappoint. D/s isn’t part of my relationship with Jamie.”
    “ D is domination?”
    “Did you bother to go on the computer before you dragged me out of bed?”
    Beach shrugged and smiled. “You know I’ve always been a hands-on learner.”
    Gavin sighed. Again. “ D is domination. S in that sense is submission.” He looked up from where he was sawing through the spinach. “Really, Beach? I can’t see you submitting to a firm scolding, let alone a spanking.”
    The flush went all the way up to Beach’s hairline, and he looked around to see if anyone was staring at them. “Spanking?” he croaked.
    Gavin gave him a pitying smile. “Do you have plans for dinner?”
    “I would, if I weren’t chained to sobriety and this tiny square of the map. Why?”
    “You may have wasted a breakfast date on me, but I do know where we can find someone who has a lot of experience.”
    Which was how Beach found himself at a Fourth of July barbecue in Mount Washington, scrutinizing the faces of some of Gavin’s new friends to see which might hold the key to information on this secret passion. Hell and hellfire, he sounded like a nineteenth-century novel. He wasn’t exactly sure how he felt about disclosing his newfound curiosity to complete strangers, but Gavin’s friends were at least easy enough to share a dinner with.
    Kellan, tall, blond and friendly. He would be Beach’s first choice. Not only would the man be easy to talk to, but he demonstrated a quiet ability to rein in his excitable boyfriend, Nate. Though if Nate took orders, that clearly only happened at home. So damned smart he was dumb from it, Beach’s gran would have said about Nate. An opinion about everything, and nothing in it but words. But when Kellan had a hand on Nate, he went softer and quieter in a way

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