Bakra Bride
    Her climax was so close now she could almost taste it. Her whole body strained towards completion. Incredibly enough, she wanted more of him. “Harder,” she moaned.
    His thumbs dug into her hips as his fingers circled them and dug into her behind. He flexed his hips faster as he pumped his cock harder and deeper with every stroke. She took all of him inside her body with every thrust.
    It broke over her suddenly and she screamed. Her hips jerked as her body convulsed. Zaren yelled and she could feel the hot spurt of his cum deep inside her. He stiffened for a moment before collapsing on top of her.
    They lay there in the soft grass both gasping for breath. Her inner muscles spasmed around his cock and he shuddered, easing his bulk slightly to one side. His hair flowed over her chest and she toyed with the long strands. Unable to resist, she stroked his biceps, the strong cords of his neck and his firm jaw. A rumbling sound came from deep in his chest as he raised himself up, bracing himself on one forearm.
    He looked sated and content as he stared down at her. She smiled up at him as she brushed a damp strand of hair off his forehead and over his shoulder. He captured her hand in his, turned it over and planted a kiss in the center of her palm.
    His head jerked up suddenly and the sharp gaze of a hunter replaced the sleepy look in his eyes. He pulled out of her and came to his feet in one motion. “Get dressed.”
    Jane didn’t know what the threat was, but she sat up, hauled down her top and grabbed her pants from the grass. She gasped as two men emerged from the woods behind them. Stuffing her legs into her pajama pants, she quickly hauled them on. Trying not to attract attention, she got to her feet and pulled the drawstrings tight around her waist.
    She could feel the wetness seeping down her legs. The combination of his cum and her orgasm had left her damp and sticky. With her tangled hair and her face flushed, she knew she looked a sight. She looked exactly like a woman who’d just had a quickie in the grass. She bet she even had grass stains on her ass. There was nothing she could do at the moment but brazen things out.
    Both men were staring at her in a way that was quite unnerving. Gathering her courage, she returned their gaze, surprised to find that she recognized them immediately. These were the other two warriors from the tapestry.
    “What have we here?” Jane kept her eyes on them as they walked closer. The one who spoke slowly smiled at her.
    “The tapestry brought her, Bador.” Zaren’s words stopped the man dead in his tracks and wiped the smile from his face.
    The other warrior froze when he stood. “Impossible,” he muttered. “That’s impossible.” His eyes went from Jane to Zaren and back again.
    “Not impossible. I’m here, aren’t I?” Jane thought for a moment. “Or maybe I’m not. Maybe this is just a dream.”
    “This is not a dream.” Zaren sounded exasperated as he spoke. He jerked the ties on his pants closed, drawing his brother’s eyes.
    “I see you have taken advantage of the situation to advance your position.” The one called Bador ran his eyes over her, taking in her rumpled state.
    “You would have done the same.” Zaren stretched, totally unconcerned.
    Jane felt absolutely mortified. It was as if what had just happened had meant nothing to Zaren. And perhaps it hadn’t, she reasoned. What man would turn down a quick roll in the grass with a willing woman? Her stomach roiled and her head began to pound. She could feel her cheeks heating with embarrassment as the men continued to stare at her.
    She needed to get away. To have some time to think and pull herself back together. If this was real, she had to find a way to get home. If it was a dream, she had to find a way to wake up. Either way, she wanted to be by herself.
    Backing away from them, she tried not to make a sound, but of course three heads swung her way with the first step she made. “Come,

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