Barbara Metzger

Barbara Metzger by Valentines

Book: Barbara Metzger by Valentines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Valentines
Augustus was taking his midday meal with associates in Throckton, so the two cousins had the dining room to themselves. Carinne wasn’t eating her luncheon either, but instead of fretting, Miss Martin was staring dreamily into space, her lips gently curved. Almost like an angel getting her first glimpse of heaven, Dree thought impatiently. “What do you mean, you prefer Lord Podell? I grant you, the man is as handsome as a Greek god, but truly, Carrie, how can you? He’s naught but a man-milliner.”
    “So elegant, such a sense of style. And kind.”
    “Kind? The man is a fortune hunter! Why, you’d never know if he cared for you or for your father’s gold.”
    “I’d never know with any man, but Lord Podell seemed to like me.”
    “Perhaps he was just being polite. We might never see any of the Briarwoods party again. They didn’t attend church.” And Carinne could be awkward at times, Dree had to admit. Such a distinguished gentleman as the Earl of Blanford was used to more sophisticated company.
    “He’ll come.” Carinne was positive. And pleased.
    “But a Bond Street strutter, Carrie? You know you never wanted to go to London.”
    “I never wanted a Season, rather. I’d enjoy the shops and seeing the sights. And you were the one who tried to convince me to go, for the cultural advantages. Besides, Lord Podell means to make his property in Warwick his home for most of the year.”
    “What, that starched and curled dandy means to set up as a farmer?”
    “He intends to try to bring his estates back into prosperity.”
    “He means to reclaim his acreage with your money, you mean.”
    “I’d rather that than see Lord Prendergast gamble it all away, wouldn’t you?”
    “Anything is better than Lord Prendergast,” Audrina conceded, finally taking a bite of her capon. She waited till the footman brought the dessert pudding before she tried again. “Don’t you think you might consider Lord Blanford?” She pictured the earl, tall and broad, with an air of command about him. He was strong, confident, capable. In short, everything manly. Dree knew her own experience of men was woefully short, but didn’t doubt for a minute that his lordship would stand out in any gathering, noblemen or otherwise. “He’s quick-witted and amusing, too.”
    “He frightens me.”
    “Spiders frighten you, goose. Do say you’ll try to be friendly, if he should pay his addresses.”
    Carinne dropped her spoon. “Oh, I pray he won’t! Papa will be sure to prefer him to Lord Podell.”
    And for once Audrina would agree with Uncle Augustus, but she’d keep her own counsel for now.
    Miss Rowe might have kept a silent tongue in her mouth, but her actions spoke volumes—to Lord Blanford, at least—when he and Franny were shown into the ornately furnished drawing room that afternoon. Audrina jumped up and rang for tea after the initial greetings, and then tugged at Lord Podell’s arm until he joined her on the crocodile-legged sofa, leaving Max to sit next to Miss Martin on the facing couch.
    The others were oblivious to the machinations, however. After examining his saffron satin sleeve for hints of creases, Franny stared across the space into Miss Martin’s eyes. She stared back, a tinge of rose on her creamy cheeks. The two could have been alone on the moon for all the attention they paid Dree and the earl. And they did look wondrous together, Dree had to admit, his lordship like a jonquil, and Carrie in a pale rose muslin that showed off her rounded form and elegant shoulders. A veritable garden of beauty.
    Audrina frowned. Max grinned, as though he could read her thoughts, earning him another fierce look for not trying harder to engage her cousin in conversation. Dree couldn’t fault the earl’s appearance, in navy blue superfine and dove gray pantaloons. That was how a man ought to dress, she firmly believed. How could Carrie not even glance in his direction? It was all Dree could do to keep from staring at the

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