Basic Principles of Classical Ballet

Basic Principles of Classical Ballet by Agrippina Vaganova

Book: Basic Principles of Classical Ballet by Agrippina Vaganova Read Free Book Online
Authors: Agrippina Vaganova
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battement done by the other leg.

    From the 5th position the right leg is taken out to the front, into the 2nd position, or to the back, the left leg simultaneously doing a plié. Then the left foot rises on the half-toe, the right leg is drawn to the left one, and both of them join in the 5th position on the half-toe.
    From this point the movement is either repeated or is done to the other side. The leg that is being taken out should not be bent or raised too high (if the movement is done on the floor, and not at an angle of 45° or 90°).

    18. Battement soutenu

    From the 5th position the sole of the lifted right foot with toes pointed glides over the left leg up to the knee and opens in

    19. Battement développé
    the required direction, keeping the knee and the heel in a turned-out position.
    If the lifted leg is not brought up to the knee, the movement looks careless. On reaching the extreme point (90°), the leg is lowered into the 5th position.
    This movement is included in exercises in numerous variations:
    1.With the extended leg being bent so that the toes touch the supporting knee, from which the extension is repeated;
    2. With little movements of the extended leg, lowered slightly and re-lifted to 90°; these movements should be attempted with the toes only, so that the leg is not brought down too low, but just slightly swings;
    3. The leg, extended forward, is drawn with a swift movement into the 2nd position and is brought to the front again, all in one count, with the accent on the forward movement; the same movement to the back; the same movement from the 2nd position forward and back.
    4. With turns of the body. Do développé forward, make half a turn on the supporting leg into 2nd arabesque and return on the same leg, rotating the raised leg. In 2nd position: do développé in 2nd position, quickly change onto that foot, turning and opening other leg into 2nd position; do the whole figure again, and return to the initial position opening the leg in 2nd position. In changing the hands on the barre, grasp the barre with the free hand and change it simultaneously with the turn of the body.
    Développé is a movement from adagio. Slow tempo is inherent in développé, and it should be performed with a retardation at the extreme point, especially in the lower grades.
    The leg on which the dancer stands should be fully extended, like a taut string, the knee fully turned out. The arm which rests on the barre should be freely bent at the elbow. Particular attention must be paid to this when the forward movement is performed. Frequently the arm is strained, thus furnishing support for the leg. It is easier to stand in this manner, but the exercise under these conditions is useless.
    Of the many forms of développé I shall describe the two most complicated.

    This battement, according to its type, belongs to small adagio . It is done mostly in the centre, but sometimes also at the barre. The movements are as follows:
    Do a développé forward with the right leg, rise on half-toe, fall with the weight of the entire body into the deepest plié on the right foot; the left leg is extended and touches the floor with its toes only; transfer the weight back onto the left foot, while the right leg repeats the développé with a swift movement and returns to its open position, and the left rises onto half-toe.

    20. Battements développés tombés
    This battement is done forward, as well as to side, back, and in the directions croisé, effacé, écarté.
    In order to give this movement a wider form, I always advise my pupils to imagine that the leg has to be flung over some object. This does not let the dancer lower herself too soon during the fall of the body. The result is a very wide battement and the leg is flung very far.

    21. Battements divisés en quarts en dehors.

    This exercise is done in the centre. It

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