Bear's Match (Bear Heat Book 6)
speed and strength,
but if you act fast but think slow, you'll find yourself in a lot of
    They had an hour to finish up
their report. Then the team would move out for another job. It was
a straightforward surveillance job today, but Luke knew by now that
no job was ever really straightforward.
    Luke typed quickly, half
smiling as his thoughts kept flitting to Nicole. He forced himself
to concentrate and finish up his report. He would be seeing her
tonight for dinner. He glanced at his watch. It was not even nine
o'clock. His fingers twitched over the keyboard as he resisted the
urge to pull out his phone and call her. He wondered how Nicole's
breakfast meeting with her client went.
    As he submitted his report
and logged off his computer, his phone beeped once. Luke frowned at
his phone. It was a missed call from Nicole. She had called and
hung up. Luke called her back right away, but got her voice mail
    “She switched off her
phone,” he muttered. Why would she do that? Even if she was
in a meeting, she could just have muted her phone.
    Dylan strolled past and
announced to his team members, “Ten minutes, people. Get the
report in and get ready. Meet me out front locked and loaded in ten
    Luke rubbed his chest
absently. There was a strange tightness around his heart and his
bear was angsty and agitated. It wanted to get to Nicole. Luke
glanced down at his arms and saw that tiny pinpricks of black fur
were pushing out of his skin. His bear wanted out. It was going to
track its mate down if Luke didn't man up and go after her himself.
    Luke took a painful breath
and jumped up. “Dylan, I...I need to get to Nicole.
Something's happened to her. I can feel it. My bear can sense it.
It won't let me...”
    Dylan gave a curt nod. “Get
someone to switch shifts with you. We have a job to do.”
    “Yes, sir. Thank you,
    Dylan put a hand on his
shoulder. “And get someone to go with you. Don't go alone.
If Nicole really is in danger...”
    “I'll go with you, and
Trevor can take your place.”
    Luke turned to see Baxter and
Trevor striding up to them. It was Baxter who had spoken. Trevor
was the second-in-command on Baxter's team, and even though they had
just returned from an all-night security operation, they both looked
fresh as daisies while the rest of their teammates looked like they
had been dragged across the fires of hell.
    Baxter raised a brow at Luke.
“Since Trevor is covering for you this morning, I guess you'll
be taking his place and joining my team tomorrow night.”
    Luke glanced at his team
leader, and saw Dylan roll his eyes at Baxter. “Yeah, yeah.
You can have him tomorrow night,” Dylan snapped.
    “Trevor Spencer
reporting for duty, boss,” Trevor said, grinning as he gave
Dylan a smart salute.
    “Get yourself suited up
with my boys and girls,” Dylan said with a straight face.
“We're moving out in five minutes. Let's go, people!”
    “Yes, sir!”
Dylan's team members leaped out of their chairs and saluted in a
perfect synchronized movement. They grinned at Trevor and pounded
him on the back. “You're with us today. Don't worry. We'll
show you the ropes,” they joked.
    Trevor laughed and took their
teasing good-naturedly. He was no rookie. He was deadly on the
field, but off the field, he was a big softie and a super nice guy.
    “I'm off duty now,”
Baxter said, throwing his arm casually around Luke. “I'll come
with you. I want to be the first to meet your mate.”
    Luke opened his mouth then
shut it. “Okay.” He didn't want to waste time arguing
with Bax.
    Luke grabbed his car keys and
dialed Nicole's number again as he hurried out of the office. He
scowled and clicked off.
    “She's not answering?”
Baxter asked as he followed Luke to his car.
    “She switched off her
phone,” Luke said tightly.
    “Did you guys have a
fight?” Baxter bundled himself into the passenger seat as Luke
started the engine.
    “No. We planned to
have dinner

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