Behind Closed Doors
Opening one of her cases, she rummaged through it until she found a pink string bikini and quickly changed into it.


    Darrien couldn't help laughing as he watched Ramona storm back into the cabin. She was going to be miserable for the next week. And he loved that fact. When their parents made the announcement, he hadn’t expected a resort, but he had to admit he also hadn’t expected to be dropped off here , in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere.
    Ramona seemed to have had the idea in her head that they were going to a Club Med type of getaway; the sort she could consider a vacation. He had no idea what she was going to be doing for entertainment with no cell phone, no television and no parties to attend. He, on the other hand, had a number of books that he had been dying to read for some time now. This trip gave him just the opportunity to relax and unwind.
    If Ramona would let him.
    Dunking under the water, he re-emerged and was startled to see Ramona come strutting out of the back door and towards the lake, in a very revealing pink bikini. In truth, he wasn't even sure if he could call it a bikini. One sudden movement from her and he'd get a perfect little show of those nice, large firm tits of hers.
    I could live with that , he decided.
    He swam over to the bank where she was standing as she dipped a tentative toe into the water.
    "Don't touch me," she warned as he came closer.
    "Don't flatter yourself." Truth be known, his cock had gotten good and hard from the moment she emerged from the back door wearing that contraption she called a bathing suit. The way her breasts bounced with each step made him yearn to suck one of those already taut nipples. Her breasts were much more than a handful, but that was fine by him, he loved the larger ones. More to play with.
    She jerked her foot back out of the water. "Shit, it's cold."
    "You just need to jump on in," he advised, knowing there was no way in hell she was coming into the water. So he did what any other man would do if given this splendid opportunity. Darrien took hold of her ankle and calves and pulled her forward.
    With a shriek, Ramona fell into the lake, hard. Darrien winced as her body connected with the water, creating a loud splash. He imagined the impact would sting a little - maybe a lot. For a moment, he felt a sliver of remorse.
    She eventually resurfaced - just over a foot away from him - spewing a list of obscenities that would make even a Marine blush. Her yapping at him made Darrien remember why he’d done it in the first place. The sliver of remorse he had felt rapidly faded.
    Luckily for him his ears weren't registering her words, because all of his focus was put into watching her now exposed breasts as the water cascaded over them. She was so furious with him; she failed to even acknowledge that she was no longer wearing the top half of her suit.
    Her dark nipples had become rock solid from the cold water. The urge to roll those large, tight nipples between his fingers was almost unbearable. It was like watching his personal pornography version of 'Baywatch.'
    Being called 'fuck-nuts' brought his attention back to what she was saying. She was glaring at him, her green eyes stormy and the heat in them - even if it was caused by anger - was so damned sexy he could barely breathe. His dick demanded he do something, immediately.
    Placing a hand at the nape of her neck, he drew her forward and against his rigid body. His mouth came crashing down onto hers, with force and determination. His hand grasped one of the breasts he had been admiring, pinching and rolling the nipple between his fingertips, while the other hand cupped her ass and brought her tight against his erect cock.
    Surprised, she gave into his demanding lips, allowing his tongue to explore her mouth. But, seconds later she seemed to have come to grips with what was happening, and placed the palms of her hands on his chest in an attempt to push him away.
    Her attempt was feeble at best.

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