Coldly, he replied, “How … thoughtful … of you.”
Even though she anticipated his hatred, it struck a nerve. A very lonely and vulnerable nerve that desperately missed human interaction and acceptance.
She placed the pill on his willing tongue then gripped the back of his head with one hand while assisting him with a sip. With the pill swallowed, he eased his head back on the sweat-soaked pillow. “Thanks,” he begrudgingly muttered.
“One more,” she cautiously replied. They repeated the same steps, and she quickly spun away. Her hands trembled, but she didn’t know if it was from touching the man or just the situation as a whole.
Standing at the sink, she dumped the contents of the glass and grabbed her toothbrush, all the while trying to reason her reaction. It had to be his proximity that unnerved her. She’d been alone for too long and the only male interaction in her life was forced—her body complying without approval to someone else’s demands and desires.
While brushing, she glanced over her shoulder, and guilt struck a brutal blow. How could she ignore the needs of this innocent man? Mentally sighing, she knew the two needed a fresh start. Obviously he was going to be here for a while, so she needed to be accommodating.
She caught his eye and the snarled expression that he offered insinuated that a fresh start wasn’t in the works, at least not for today.
Okay, so plan B: slow progression. But first things first, mother nature demanded her attention. Embarrassed that she had to pee within hearing distance of this stranger, she left the water in the sink running, then ducked behind the partition and used the loo. She was never so thankful for the bottle of Lysol air freshener and other cleaning products that was provided to her—it’s not like Patrice or her thugs were going to clean the cage she called home.
Stepping back out, she washed up and then filled the sink with warm water, all the while, her patient remained silent in the corner. She grabbed the bar of soap from the shower and a clean washcloth from the bin. Then, she soaked the cloth and quietly crossed toward the man.
His head sharply jerked in her direction. “What are you doing?” he all but snarled. At least his trembling had stopped, hopefully the pain was receding.
She spoke softly, “You’ve all but sopped yer pillow. A sponge bath would do ya good.” She cautiously reached out to wipe his face.
His arm thrust out and gripped her wrist. She halted as he squeezed. “Part of your nursemaid bit?” he mocked low.
She nodded. “Aye, I suppose. I’ve not an inkling what to do, so you’ll have to bear with me.” He continued the hold on her wrist as their gazes locked. She attempted a diversion. “Is the pain more tolerable?”
After a couple of seconds he gave a slight nod and released her wrist. Cautiously she asked, “May I proceed? Yer a bit … mangy.”
“That’s what happens when no one lets you bathe for a —” He halted with confusion, so she provided the answer. “It’s been five days.”
His piercing blue eyes shot to hers; he gave her another slight nod. With that she went about washing his face. It was terribly awkward, but Joss attempted to pretend that it was Aunt Bea. Joss had spent the last couple of years, prior to her capture, taking care of her elderly aunt, so assisting with bath time was nothing new but caring for a tall, admittedly sexy male brought various kinds of sensations, and some were in
Erica Hayes
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Michelle Lowhorn
Evelyn Toynton
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Mina V. Esguerra
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Robert T. Jeschonek