Beret Bear (Rogue Bear Series 3)
banister, but that was crazy. He jogged down the stairs. After breakfast, he would check in with Glen, but he planned on spending the rest of the day with Avery.
    He would do whatever he had to help her break things off with Paul. He’d drive her to him. He’d call for her. He’d write an email or send the text. He didn’t care what it was. She belonged with him, not that bastard.
    He rounded the second floor, smelling the fresh pot of coffee wafting up from the kitchen. He smiled, knowing Avery had made it for him.
    He jogged down the last two steps and walked toward the reception desk. The light wasn’t on and the sign greeting guests wasn’t out. His nose twitched. He could smell it. It was a familiar smell that made him snarl instantly. There was a shifter nearby.
    He barged through the office door. “Avery!”
    The door to her room was closed. “Avery!” He pounded on the frame, but when she didn’t answer he kicked in the door.
    The hair on the back of his neck stood upright. “Get your hands off her.”
    The shifter turned, peering at Gage over his shoulder. His hands were wrapped around Avery’s neck, pinning her to the wall.
    “Who the fuck are you?”
    Gage saw the fear in her eyes. Her cheeks were stained with tears.
    “I could ask you the same thing,” Gage growled through clenched teeth.
    “I’m having a conversation with my fiancée. So if you wouldn’t mind leaving us alone.”
    “You’re Paul?” Gage took a step closer, but noticed Paul’s grip tightened around Avery’s neck. He stopped.
    Gage took a long sniff in the air. He was a damn fox. No wonder the guy was so shady. Foxes were about as loyal as a snake.
    Paul’s gaze landed on Avery again. “Is he the reason?” he hissed.
    She closed her eyes, the tears streaming faster now. “Please, Paul.”
    “Let her go,” Gage demanded. He had to get his hands on Paul.
    “Why, so the big bear can have his way with her?” His eyebrows rose.
    The growl rumbled at the base of his throat. He was close to ripping the smug look off Paul’s face. “Shut up. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
    Paul suddenly let his fingers loosen. Avery took a big gasp of air. “I think I know something about it.” He cocked his head toward Gage.
    Gage shoved past him and pulled Avery against his chest. “Are you ok?”
    She nodded. “I’m fine. He was just surprised.”
    “Surprised? Is that what you call it?” Paul’s eyes hardened. “I stop by to take my bride to breakfast and find her dressed like a whore, sneaking into her room. And not only that. She tells me she doesn’t want to get married anymore.”
    His eyes bore into Gage. “Then you show up. Suddenly I have a clear picture of what’s happening here.”
    Gage peeled Avery from his chest and stepped in front of her, creating a barrier from Paul. He could feel the air around the fox was reckless. There was no telling what he would do or say.
    “I think you should leave, Paul. You don’t have any claim to her.”
    “What makes you say that?”
    “I know you don’t.” Gage towered over him. He didn’t want to embarrass Avery, but Paul hadn’t made her his life mate. Foxes tended to drag things out. The men weren’t big on commitment. Her story made perfect sense now that he was staring at the man who had given her the ring.
    “I gave her my ring. We are getting married. Some burly bear isn’t going to change that.”
    Gage felt the pins in his lungs, he was trying to hold his bear in. He didn’t want to unleash him in front of Avery. But the sneer in Paul’s voice was sending him over the edge.
    “She has a say.” Gage breathed.
    “I told you, Paul. I don’t think we should get married. Just go. I haven’t seen you in two weeks and you show up like this? No. I want you to leave.” Avery’s voice sounded firm.
    “You know the only reason you’re saying that is because of him.” He pointed to Gage.
    “No it’s not. And if I had any doubts, you

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