His Heartbroken Bride (The Brides of Paradise Ranch - Spicy Version Book 4)

His Heartbroken Bride (The Brides of Paradise Ranch - Spicy Version Book 4) by Merry Farmer

Book: His Heartbroken Bride (The Brides of Paradise Ranch - Spicy Version Book 4) by Merry Farmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Merry Farmer
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than the others.”
    She peeked up to judge just how deeply Josephine could see through her story.
    “I take it you had no interest in him?”
    Libby shook her head, cheeks going pink. “None at all, but he was…persistent. That’s why I took the boys and left Oregon.” And why she had tossed comfort out the window in favor of getting as far away from Hector as fast as she could.
    “Sounds like you made a wise decision,” Josephine said, her brow clouded with confusion.
    Libby tilted her head to the side. “Yes, but as I said, Hector was persistent. So persistent that…that I am afraid he might come after me.” More guilt piled up inside of Libby as she chickened out of telling Josephine what she’d intended to tell.
    To Libby’s surprise, a smile spread across Josephine’s face. She leaned back in her chair, sipping her tea. “Well then, it all makes sense.”
    “What does?”
    “Your unusual worry these last few days. Your reasons for marrying Mason so quickly, even though you have doubts. This man, Hector, sounds like a bully and a scoundrel.”
    “He is.” Libby hid her shame by sipping her tea.
    “Well, my dear, no one can fault you for doing what’s best for your boys and for yourself,” Josephine went on. “Mason will make a good husband, and if this Hector fellow does dare to show his ugly face anywhere near Haskell, Mason will chase him off, quick as you please. So leave behind all this hand-wringing and sorrow. You’re a clever girl, and if you ask me, you’ve solved your own problems very well.”
    Except for the tiny complication of the fact that she was carrying Hector’s child. Would a man be scared off so easily if he knew it would mean never being able to claim a child as his own?
    “I suppose you’re right,” she said over her teacup, keeping her eyes down.
    “It’s not me that’s right,” Josephine chuckled. “It’s you. Or Mason, depending on how you look at things.” She stood, patting Libby’s shoulder. “You’re doing the right thing, my dear. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a wedding feast to prepare.”
    Josephine kissed Libby’s cheek, then returned to the stove. She continued to chat about the food she was preparing for the luncheon that would take place after the wedding ceremony and about how sweet Wendy Montrose was to whip up a quick wedding gown on short notice. Libby gave short answers when they were needed, but she couldn’t keep her thoughts on mundane things. She couldn’t silence the voice in her head that said she was a liar and a harlot for tricking Mason into marriage.
    “I think I need to go for a walk,” she declared all of a sudden, in the middle of Josephine talking about how much Libby would enjoy living out at Paradise Ranch as a newlywed. Apparently there was a special house on Howard Haskell’s property, custom-designed for newlywed ranch hands, but Libby didn’t have room in her thoughts for it.
    Josephine blinked and straightened from the bowl of biscuit dough she was mixing. “A walk?” She nodded. “Yes, all things considered, I think that’s a good idea. Don’t you worry about your boys. I’ll fill them up with biscuits, tea, and love as soon as they get up.”
    Reassured about that much, at least, Libby managed a smile before heading back upstairs to change into a simple day dress. Muriel was awake by then, reading a book in bed.
    “I don’t want to disturb you,” Libby reassured her as she threw on clothes.
    “Are you excited for your big day?” her sister asked, putting down her book and pushing back the bedcovers. “I know I am.”
    Libby laughed weakly. At least that made one of them. “What do you think?” she asked to evade the question. Before Muriel could answer, Libby fastened the last button on her blouse and said, “I’m going for a walk.”
    “Do you want me to come with you?” Muriel jumped out of bed and ran to her wardrobe.
    “No, no, you take your time getting ready for the day. I need to be

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