Betting the Farm

Betting the Farm by Annie Evans

Book: Betting the Farm by Annie Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie Evans
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because it sang his praises. Delicious
bursts of concentrated pleasure speared through her, turning her body into one
giant, hypersensitive nerve ending.
    “Open your eyes and look at me,” Fritz said.
    When she did, his face loomed above hers, his gaze boring
into her as though he could see every thought. His thrusts became almost savage
in nature, as if he were trying to purge Kai of anyone else’s prior sexual
    Sure enough, his next words removed all doubt. “You’re mine,
Kai. Always have been.”
    Emotion threatened to choke her to death. Fresh tears burned
the back of her eyes. Kai clutched at his shoulders and neck, pulled him down
to her mouth. His kiss was just as possessive as his domination of her body.
She whimpered as the first twinges of her orgasm began to shimmer in her core.
    “ Please . I’m so close.”
    Fritz stopped thrusting his hips. He withdrew his cock until
only the head remained inside her. “Say you’re mine.” His eyes softened, along
with his tone. “Say it and I’ll let you come.”
    Kai whined her displeasure and panted, “I’m yours.” The
gathering tears slid from the corners of her eyes, joining the dampness of her
    “Good girl,” he murmured and pushed back inside her pussy.
    Fritz slipped his hand between their bodies, stroking her
clit with the rough pad of his thumb. That precise touch was all she needed.
Crying out, Kai splintered into a million glittering pieces.
    She was vaguely aware of Fritz groaning and joining her,
then his solid weight pressing her into the mattress. She didn’t care if she
suffocated beneath him. In that moment, she could die a happy, satisfied woman.

Chapter Six
    Fritz made a quick trip to the bathroom to dispose of the
condom while Kai stretched out on his bed, humming her contentment. He pulled
his jeans on sans underwear and sat down on the edge of the bed.
    Kai had never looked more beautiful than she did now—smooth
skin flushed pink with lingering arousal, lips and nipples swollen and red from
his rough kisses, her pale hair curling into soft waves as it dried. The
reunion sex had been better than he could’ve ever imagined, which both pleased
and unsettled him equally.
    There was something different about her, something that
bothered him. Perhaps she seemed more fragile than he remembered her ever
being. But the tears she’d shed earlier had been his doing and he felt guilty
as hell for that.
    He wanted the old Kai back, the one who would sooner tell
him to kiss her ass than let him see her cry. There’d been glimpses of her here
and there, but not near enough.
    He’d meant what he said. She was his . Always had
been, always would be, she just needed convincing. Part of the reason he’d made
love to her was to prove that point, but it was only a fractional part. The
rest was plain ol’ undiluted desire, the strength of which hadn’t diminished
one iota during their time apart.
    Problem was, now that he knew for a fact just how good they
could be together as adults, it would consume him. It already did. No sooner
had he settled his ass on the bed beside her than his mind was drifting to the
next time he’d have her.
    She rolled to her knees and draped herself across his back.
The soft globes of her breasts pressed against his skin, teasing him with their
velvety softness. Looping her arms around his shoulders, Kai nuzzled the side
of his face. “What were you doing out my way this afternoon?”
    “Looking for you.”
    He felt her stiffen. “But how—”
    “I don’t have your cell number so I called your parents’
house. The housekeeper said you’d gone for a run. Told me the direction she saw
you take.”
    She dropped her chin to his shoulder. “Why were you looking
for me?”
    “I acted like an ass at the barn. I didn’t mean to hurt you.
I’m sorry for that.”
    “It’s okay.” She sighed against his neck, hesitated. “Am
I…forgiven too?” Her voice broke and for a moment Fritz was

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