Betting the Farm

Betting the Farm by Annie Evans Page A

Book: Betting the Farm by Annie Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie Evans
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afraid she might
start crying again. They’d hurt each other enough already.
    He tugged her around to face him. It was damn distracting,
having her warm, naked body so close, so he tried to focus on her face and the
things he needed to say. “We’re gettin’ there. It’s gonna take time though, to
build that trust again. To get past all that old hurt.”
    She nodded, her shoulders drooping a bit. “Is that what this
was about? Were you trying to prove a point or punish me somehow?”
    Fritz frowned and caught her jaw in his fingers. “Did it
feel like punishment?”
    Her gaze drifted down to his throat. “There was a moment
where I could almost sense your anger.”
    “It wasn’t anger.” He tipped her chin up, forcing her to
look at him. “See, I was the first man you allowed between those gorgeous
thighs of yours, and I intend to be the last.” He paused to let his words sink
in while watching her eyes grow smoky with what he hoped was acceptance. Then
he kissed her deeply, drinking in the slow, sure submission of her body to his
touch. “The rest is up to you.” A touch of confusion flitted through her eyes.
Fritz smiled and set her away from him so he could stand up. “Are you hungry?
I’ve got leftovers in the fridge I thought I’d heat up for supper.”
    Kai glanced down at herself. “I can’t very well parade
around your house naked since you don’t see a need for curtains.”
    He smirked and found the shirt he’d discarded earlier,
holding it up for her. “Wouldn’t bother me a bit. Come ’ere.” Kai crawled from
the bed and sauntered toward him. No surprise, his cock stirred at the sexy
show. She slid her arms into the shirt’s sleeves and turned around. Fritz
rolled them to her elbows and snapped her up, leaving the top three undone. The
hem hit her upper thigh, so plenty of golden skin was still exposed.
    “What about my panties?”
    “They’re in the washer with the rest of your clothes. I’d
rather you didn’t wear any.”
    “Now there’s some shocking news,” she drawled.
    Fritz smacked her ass then spun her toward the kitchen.
While he heated up their dinner, she milled about his living room, filling the
minutes by looking at the titles on his CDs and DVDs.
    “Can I borrow your phone? I should call the house and let
them know I’m okay.”
    “Why are you runnin’ without your phone? You know that’s not
safe,” he said.
    She shrugged one shoulder. “I would have to carry it in my
hand and I’m always afraid I’ll drop it.”
    “That’s not a good enough excuse but I know better than to
argue with you. My phone is on the dresser in the bedroom.”
    Fritz strained to hear what she told her parents on the
phone. Neither of them must’ve answered because she told the ever-present
housekeeper she was at a friend’s house and she’d be home later then hung up.
    “What can I help you do?”
    “You can fix us somethin’ to drink and make a clean spot on
the table so we have a place to eat.”
    Once the food was reheated Fritz fixed them both a plate.
Kai set two glasses of iced tea beside the plates and sat down in the chair
next to him. “Chicken and dumplings, and fresh peas.” She glanced up, a teasing
smile on her lips.
    “Mom,” he explained.
    “Darn. I was so hoping you’d become domesticated.”
    “Sorry to disappoint you, smartass, but I’m still as
clueless in the kitchen as I’ve ever been. Eat your food I didn’t cook.”
    The sound of her laughter made his heart thump harder. God,
he was so whipped when it came to her. A big ol‘ lump of Georgia red clay in
her soft hands. She didn’t know that and he had to keep her on her toes. If she
suspected she had the upper hand, he’d never get what he wanted.
    “Mm-mm, this is so good,” she said between bites. “Your mom
is an amazing Southern cook. Sometimes I think it has to be in the DNA, ya
    “She’d love to see you, Kai.”
    Her fork froze halfway between the plate and her mouth.

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