Big Spankable Asses
had lean cheeks and an aquiline nose that was saved from perfection by a slight bump in the center. Nicely shaped lips, not too thin, and the bottom lip was a bit fuller than the top, and a shade lighter than his tanned face. Lord have mercy! She felt like a cat in heat just looking at him.
    This had to be Josh. And boy, was he fine. And familiar looking. When he smiled and stood, and she caught a flash of a deep dimple, she knew it was him and obviously he’d figured out that it was her. He picked up his package and walked toward her. When he reached her he held out his hand.
    “Hello, Lilliana?” He asked the question in his unmistakable, deep, do me voice.
    She smiled and stood, allowing him to help her to her feet. “Yes, I’m Lilliana. You must be Josh.” Lilliana went to shake his hand, but he pulled her to his tall frame and gave her a light hug instead. He smelled like a combination of outdoors and the sea. Did he have to look good and smell so good, too? she thought. Come to think of it, he looked…familiar, but she was too nervous to figure out why. She stepped back quickly once he released her.
    He allowed her to and asked, “Have you been waiting long?”
    “No, not really,” she said. “Actually, I got here early on purpose so I wouldn’t be late. I took the bus and it’s been a while since I’ve been out this way. I didn’t want to chance being late.” She felt like a teenager, nervous and jittery.
    “I wish I’d known that.” He smiled down at her and a deep dimple flashed in his cheek again.
    Lilliana forced herself to calm down, and not act like a schoolgirl on her first date. He grasped her arm and guided her through the throng of people, toward the entrance to the Children’s Museum.
    “Why’s that?” She cleared her throat when her voice came out high and squeaky.
    “I arrived early too. Didn’t want to chance missing you, either,” he laughed and put her at ease.
    They walked inside and Lilliana felt like a child again as they walked around, examining the statues and the variety of exhibits in the museum. “Wow, this is amazing! I’ve never been to a children’s museum this large before.”
    “You’ve been to a lot of them, have you?” he asked.
    “I’ve been to a few. I kind of like them.” Actually she’d been to more than a few. She loved museums, particularly children’s museums. The few times that she and Marcus had traveled outside of Southern California, she’d always go hunt out the local museum. When she’d look for a children’s museum, Marcus would either make fun of her or harass her and tell her she’d “better not be getting any bright ideas about having kids.”
    As if.
    So she hid her embarrassment that she secretly loved museums, particularly children’s museums, from him.
    “If you tell either one of my older brothers I’ll flatly deny it…but I love them as well,” he told her and she laughed with him.
    “Your secret is safe with me,” she promised, and her ridiculous embarrassment was eased with his light statement.
    “When was the last time you were out to the Pier?” he asked her as they milled around the special exhibits.
    “Oh, it’s been a while. Not since I left Chicago,” she replied softly, caught up in checking out the dinosaur expedition exhibit.
    “You’ve been away from Chicago? Where did you go?”
    “Actually, I’ve only recently returned. Chicago is home. But, I’ve been away since I was a teenager,” she said.
    “Oh really? So you’ve been away for a few years.”
    “It’s been more than a few,” she said. “It’s been over fifteen years!”
    “What do you mean, over fifteen years?” He looked so puzzled that Lilliana felt like laughing.
    “I left when I was seventeen. I’ll be thirty-three in November.” The look on his face was so comic that she felt like either hitting him or kissing him for the obvious surprise.
    “You don’t look a day over twenty-five!”
    “Well, thank you. But I definitely

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