Big Spankable Asses
short, smooth movements, his thoughts centered on Lilliana Michaels. With his eyes closed, he imagined how good it would feel if her small hands were stroking him.
    His balls felt tight, filled with cum as he thought of what he would like to do with her, to her, if she’d allow him to. How he’d like to feel the tight walls of her channel clamp down on his dick as he ground into her from the back, holding on to her soft curves the whole time.
    He’d do her really slow…doggie style, in order to get a good look at her from the rear, fully enjoy the way her ass would jiggle with each thrust of his dick, each slap of his balls…each stinging slap of his open palm against her lushness.
    She’d be surprised at first, but she’d like it. He’d make sure of it. With each stroke and retreat of his cock, with each stinging slap to her ass, he’d make sure she liked it. He’d play with her clit, rub her feminine juices up and over her nub while he stroked into her tight, hot snatch.
    Just thinking of how good it would feel, how snug she’d feel wrapped around him, sent blood rushing to his head. He could feel the orgasm bubbling up with each stroke of his hand up and over the hard length of his erection, the pre-cum on the bulbous tip moistening his palm.
    He groaned out loud as his body took over, his mind no longer able to handle the mental stimuli of imagining what it would be like to make love to the woman he was quickly becoming obsessed with.
    His body demanded release, until finally, with one final stroke, he let out a long, harsh groan. “Lilliana!” he yelled.
    With his heart pounding, eyes closed, palm cupping his semi-erect penis, Josh knew he wouldn’t be able to wait long to make her his own.
    No way in hell.

    L illiana had awakened the next day with her hands buried in her crotch and realized she needed to go back on the Pill.
    That was her waking thought as soon as she’d opened her eyes. After speaking to Josh on the phone Thursday night, coupled with the hot-as-hell dream she’d had where an unknown man had rocked her all night long and she’d woken up playing with herself, she knew she’d better get on the Pill. If Josh looked half as good as he sounded on the phone and as long as it had been since she’d gotten some…she just might be tempted to let him do what he insinuated he wanted to do to her.
    Now, approaching their designated meeting spot outside of the Children’s Museum—it didn’t get more public than that—she allowed the nerves she’d been feeling since their phone call to take over. The day after their communication, she’d debated telling Lee about it, but had decided to wait. She was nervous enough as it was. She didn’t need him teasing her, adding fuel to the flames of her nervousness.
    They’d agreed to arrive at the Pier at lunchtime, but she had to rely on public transportation to get her there. Lilliana didn’t want to take any chances and miss her connection so she’d arrived an hour before their designated time. She’d used the time to walk around.
    Couples strolled around the large, popular attraction walking hand in hand, families, teenagers…it was an eclectic blend of Chicago natives as well as tourists.
    She sat down at the bench and instantly started scanning the crowd after she glanced at her watch. Her eyes came in contact with a man as he sat with a small package in his hand and she glanced away after a heartbeat.
    He looked familiar, she thought, and her gaze went back over him, from top to bottom. When he turned around and looked at her directly with his dark blue eyes, she knew it was him. He hadn’t even begun to do himself justice when he’d told her what he looked like.
    He was tall, she could tell, even though he was sitting down. His face was carefully formed as though he were crafted from an artist’s rendition of a perfect man, with deep-set, navy eyes that were surrounded by dark, thick eyelashes that no man had a right to have. He

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