Billionaire's Retreat

Billionaire's Retreat by Eddie Johnson

Book: Billionaire's Retreat by Eddie Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eddie Johnson
Tags: Fiction, General
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succeeded in convincing a judge to grant a warrant to have Brisband’s home searched. Several police a r rived to serve the warrant the following afte r noon. After a thorough search of the house, t hey took into their possession the firearm they sought. Ballistic test were needed to soli d ify the wit ness statement. The results of the testing would not be known for weeks.
    In a few months, Brisband and Johnny D a vis would be appearing in civil court to face bribery charges.
    Johnny had been thinking about Sarah quite often. His marriage was on the mend but still he wanted to see Sarah. Knowing she was in town for a convention, he sent a text message inviting her to meet him at Jerry’s for a happy hour drink. He went to the establishment after work hoping she would take him up on his i n vitation. Just as he was about to give up wai t ing for his mistress , he sensed someone stan d ing behind him. Turning around he realized she had indeed showed. “Hi Johnny, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.”
    “Hi Sarah, don’t worry about it. You were worth the wait.”
    “Your big court date will be coming up soon.”
    “I know.”              
    “I must be a fool. I haven’t been linked to the bribery allegation. Why am I here with you? I know this is a risk. If things don’t go your way, you may be put away for a long time behind bars.”
    “Things have to work out.”
    “But if they don’t Johnny then we do have tonight. Let’s find a way to make tonight ours. Try not to think about Vera. Pretend you are not her husband tonight.”
    “That’s not hard to do. She is away visiting her mother for the next two weeks.”
    “That’s great. I was thinking about taking a few weeks off from work in Los Angeles. I’ll phone Kristy tomorrow to cover my work while I’m away.”
    One hour later, they were at Johnny’s. In Vera’s absence, she was now the lady of the house. Their adulterous affair had risen to a new level of forbidden passion. Sh e had now tainted the bed he shared with his wife. Joh n ny lived in a secluded community. He had one next door neighbor and a few others along the winding road that led to his home. On one o c casion, Johnny thought out loud after they e n gaged in several sexual acts in succession, “How are we going to quench this incessant need we have for one another?”
    “Don’t even ponder that question. I am yours whenever you need me. All you have to do is beat your bribery charge. ”
    Sarah moved out two days before Vera r e turned home.

    Chapter 20
    T he ballistic tests were finally completed. The results proved the bullet that had grazed the victim had been fired from the handgun taken from Brisband’s h ouse .
    The Police once again converged on Brisband’s h ome , this time to put him under arrest without bail for the attempted murder of Clyde Jeffreys. 
    The news spread like a bombshell exploding.
    Johnny was relaxing at home in front of the television , when the sitcom he was watching was interrupted by a newsbreak.
    The reporter on the scene stated, “I am here at the home of the wealthy construction bus i nessman Harry Brisband. A short time ago, police entered the dwelling after being let in by a female. She appeared to be a young woman perhaps half his age. At this time, we don’t think the woman has any connection with the impending arrest of Mr. Brisband. We’ll have some footage to play in a few seconds . It’s our understanding the warrant served was gran t ed by a judge earlier today. A reliable source tells us that he possessed the weapon that was used in the attempted murder of Clyde Jeffreys. The same source tells us that Brisband is also targeted in an ongoing F ede r al I nvestigation. We’ll be sure to provide more information regarding this new finding as i n formation continues to surface. While waiting, we are going to show the footage of when the officers arrived.” The news clip started as a woman emerged from the house

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