Blood and Guts in High School

Blood and Guts in High School by Kathy Acker Page B

Book: Blood and Guts in High School by Kathy Acker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathy Acker
Tags: Fiction, General
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hand and every time the ball turns over you feel all your characteristics, your identities, slip around so you go crazy. When the ball doesn't turn, you feel stable.
    You exist in this darkness. Rebels. Creeps. Outcasts. Loners. People who hate everybody. People who feel uneasy around everybody. People who know everyone hates them. People who hate being tied down, restricted, constricted, and huge whirling snakes. The snakes climb around your neck and arms. The woman who's the mother of snakes takes you in.
    You feel very uneasy. You take a step. You don't know what to do cause there's nothing, 'cause there's not even nothing.
    For some reason this sight of blackness made the bear very happy. The bear began to dance and sing and make all sorts of funny noises. Tears like thunderballs rolled out of his eyes. Sweat-drops like hailstones fell out of his raunchy fur. The bear was causing all the weather. So he sang a song:
    Sweet bird in the darkness
    you're living in my heart
    your wings are my heart
    your outstretched
    wings are silver, sapphire, and violet
    gold and light green you're flying away I'm following you whee whee
    the world is
    silver, sapphire, and violet, gold and light green
    now trees and buds and leaves and streams
    are springing up, and nettles, hawks, and wild mists the leaves are dark greens and blues and
    light greens I don't give a shit about anything I don't have to do anything everything lives
    What the bear sang about was true. The world was incredibly beautiful. All the forms had returned and all the colours.
    Then the bear started to move his wings. The wings moved faster and faster and soon the bear rose into the air. He flew away from the beaver and hideous monster's warm house and was never seen again.
    Janey becomes a woman
    Slums of New York City. A racially mixed group of people live in these slums. Welfare and lower-middle class Puerto Ricans, mainly families, a few white students, a few white artists who haven't made it and are still struggling, and those semi-artists who, due to their professions, will never make it: poets and musicians, black and white musicians who're into all kinds of music, mainly jazz and punk rock. In the nicer parts of the slums: Ukrainian and Polish families. Down by the river that borders on the eastern edge of these slums: Chinese and middle-middle class Puerto Rican families. Avenues of junkies, pimps, and hookers form the northern border; the southern border drifts off into even poorer sections, sections too burnt-out to be anything but war zones; and the western border is the Avenue of Bums.
    A three-room apartment; a fourteen by nine room, two seven by nine rooms, and one more fourteen by nine room which contains toilet, bathtub, and stove. Usually no hot water or heat, costs two hundred dollars a month. Many of the people who live in these neighbourhoods are too poor to pay their rents.
    One of the landlords burned down his building so he could collect the insurance money. Two families and one pimp were sleeping in this building when it burned down. The landlord sold the charred lot for lots of money to McDonald's, a multinational fast food concern. This is how poor people become transformed into hamburger meat.
    The slum where she chooses to live. The East Village stinks. Garbage covers every inch of the streets. The few inches garbage doesn't cover reek of dog and rat piss. All of the buildings are either burnt down, half-burnt down, or falling down. None of the landlords who own the slum live in their disgusting buildings. In the winter when temperature averages 0°, these buildings have no
    hot water or heat, and in the summer at 100° average, roaches and rats cover the inside walls and ceilings.
    Only one hospital serves these people, a hospital which dares to exist a few blocks from the northern border of this slum. The hospital contains lights, needles, drugs which cause brain disturbances, utensils, and almost no beds. Whenever there's a

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