Blood and Guts in High School

Blood and Guts in High School by Kathy Acker

Book: Blood and Guts in High School by Kathy Acker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathy Acker
Tags: Fiction, General
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your hut. Smoke was coming out of the chimney and lights shone through the windows.
    'Please let me come in for a minute.'
    'You poor baby.' The hideous monster opened the front door, saw a huge brown bear, and screamed. He slammed the front door. 'BEAVER! BEAVER!' He raced up to beaver's room. Beaver was asleep, snuggled under three layers of white satin quilting. 'BEAVER! BEAVER!' He sat on beaver's face and told him what the problem was. The beaver waddled downstairs and locked all the doors and windows securely so no one could possibly get in.
    3 The Bear tries a second time to get into the House
    The bear's difficulties made the house even more wonderful to the bear.
    He decided he'd force his way into the house with all his strength.
    Sun was now pouring down, in through tiny closed kitchen windows, and flooding the kitchen.
    In this light the monster was frying four eggs in a huge black frying pan. Golden pieces of buckwheat-and-rye toast popped out of an old iron toaster, hit the ceiling, bounced on to the blue-tiled floor, then on to two Dutch china plates sitting on the round red table. Tiny china bowls filled with rose-petal jam, orange-lemon-ginger marmalade, huckleberries and raspberries, chrysanthemum blossoms and guava jellies covered the remainder of the table. The beaver was taking a shower upstairs. He refused to use shower curtains so blue water was going 'plop, plop' and flooding the bathroom. The only thing beaver saw was the white morning sunlight and the only thing he heard was shower water falling like the beating of his heart.
    Just as the monster was turning the eggs, the kitchen door started to shake so hard and to resound so loudly with hits and bangs, the monster decided there must be a bill collector at the door.
    'Go away, you stupid bill collector!' he shouted. He was proud of himself for shouting.
    The bear threw himself even harder against the kitchen door.
    'Go away, you damn bill collector: I don't have any money and I'll never have any money. This world is a pit-hole and a garbage dump. It's 'cause of people like you. All anyone cares about,' the monster's voice was shaking, 'all all of you care about is getting as much money any way you can, and lying and cheating and using people, and passing this filthy paper around in devious circles, so it's all power, power power
    power and I can't sleep or think or dream of anything else. I hate you and I hate your money.'
    The bear raged. Foam frothed out of his mouth. He threw himself against the door as hard as he could.
    That didn't work.
    The bear forgot himself and threw himself against the door even harder.
    'And if I had any money, I wouldn't give it to you. I'd piss on it and set it on fire, I'd bury it under all the ice in the world, I'd sprinkle oil on it and set Con Edison on fire, I'd tear it up and make some new fetishes. I'd feed it to the rats who live in my house, but I wouldn't give it to you. I hate you.'
    By this time the bear's shoulders were masses of bruises, his mouth was a froth-pit, his fur was gone, and blood was streaming down his torso so he went away.
    4 Betrayal and treachery
    The hideous monster had a pet named Fritzy. Fritzy was a red-eyed white rat. As Fritzy was sleepily glomping around the kitchen and waiting for breakfast to get finished so she could get hold of some good crumbs, a big drop of butter leaped out of the frying pan onto her head, so just as the bear gave up and stomped into a nearby snowdrift, Fritzy ran out of her special door into the snow. 'Ah hah!' the bloody bear said. 'Food!' and snatched Fritzy up in his sharp-clawed paws.
    'I'll tell you how you can trade me for some bigger game,' Fritzy squeaked as fast as she could. 'It'd be worth your while to keep me alive.'
    'Oh yeah?'
    'The guys who keep me are bigger and taste better than me. Rats are poison. Just tell hideous monster and beaver you've got me. They love me so much, especially that stupid monster, they'll come running through the

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