Blood Destiny
Curse was ingrained in Nathaniel's memory: a prophecy that flowed like an endless river from one generation to the next, washing over all of the descendants of Prince Jadon at one time or another.
    Nathaniel's own birth constellation. Gleaming in the pitch-black sky.
    Nathaniel's canine teeth began to elongate and a low, feral growl escaped his throat. Like a male lion staking his claim, his territorial nature rose in response to the call.
    Blood Destiny
    by Tessa Dawn
    Nathaniel's people may have once been human, but the slain ones had cursed them—as all the descendants of King Sakarias had been cursed—and they were now creatures of the night. More animal than human. The blood-red moon called to the beast within, offering a chance to live truly immortal. The opportunity to love in a lifetime of otherwise solitary existence. Eternal solitary existence. Promising the hope of a child of light to continue his species.
    Nathaniel felt Jocelyn's unusual eyes staring up at him in horror. They were wide with fright, yet her growing fear only heightened his arousal. Inflamed his response. Like a wild tiger, Nathaniel spun around and crouched down into a fiercely protective stance, a creature with perfect stealth and grace. Power settled over him like a thick, inky fog rising up from the sea, and his cavernous eyes grew darker than the midnight sky above. Coming deftly alive.
    He knew he appeared every inch the supernatural predator he was, but that was of little consequence now.
    Nathaniel had thirty days—one full moon—to avoid the fatal errors made by Shelby. To honor the Spirit of Jadon. To be forever released from the curse that had haunted him like a shadow since the day he was born.
    Suddenly, whatever had frightened Jocelyn in the forest was of grave importance. Her attempt to commit suicide was a threat beyond imagining. And whatever excuse he had made to avoid extracting her memories no longer mattered.
    At all.
    Forgetting to be gentle, Nathaniel reached out and grabbed her by the left arm. He turned it over in a viselike 60
    Blood Destiny
    by Tessa Dawn
    grip, pinning her wrist as he searched for the familiar markings.
    They were all there.
    The undeniable spheres. The irrefutable lines. The unmistakable evidence. Nathaniel's very own birth constellation: Cassiopeia.
    This woman was his destiny.
    She belonged to him.
    [Back to Table of Contents]
    Blood Destiny
    by Tessa Dawn

Chapter Six
    Jocelyn was positively spellbound, unable to pull her eyes from the phenomenon appearing in the heavens above them.
    She had never seen anything so powerful or mysterious in all her life. How was it that they were viewing such an event without a telescope? How could any constellation appear so bright? And what in the world could cause the moon to turn the color of blood?
    She slowly turned her head to look back at the creature standing beside her, and her heart began to pound in her chest.
    The vampire stood motionless.
    Transfixed by the magic before him.
    He seemed to be lost in a daze; his eyes glazed over with wonder, and for the first time since she had met the self-assured male, he looked utterly...unsure of himself...completely caught off-guard.
    His eyes shot back and forth between the moon and her arm, until eventually, some primitive warning system began to go off inside her.
    Something was wrong.
    Really, really wrong.
    Nathaniel was changing.
    His eyes were narrowing, his posture stiffening, his countenance becoming all at once deathly serious. And then he caught at her wrist, flipping it over like a police officer 62
    Blood Destiny
    by Tessa Dawn
    about to slap on a pair of handcuffs, holding her captive in an iron grip.
    Jocelyn cringed and tried to free her arm, but he only held on tighter.
    Instinctively, she froze then, knowing he was no longer in full control of his actions. Curiously, her eyes followed his to the inside of her wrist, where the skin was beginning to burn and tingle. And then,

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