Blood Destiny

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Book: Blood Destiny by Tessa Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tessa Dawn
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, dark fantasy
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like a microscope zooming in for a closer look—readjusting the lens to view something she couldn't have possibly seen correctly the first time—her gaze narrowed: The delicate skin on her inner arm was covered in cryptic markings. A strange series of discolorations taking the form of a brilliantly intricate tattoo.
    This time, it was Jocelyn who looked back and forth between the sky and her arm as her mind began to connect the celestial dots. The exact position of the individual stars, the brilliant constellation in the sky, the very picture they were viewing in the heavens was etched indelibly into her wrist. And whatever the markings were—whatever they meant—Nathaniel was utterly captivated by them.
    Jocelyn took a deep breath, trying to remain calm while she studied the obscure design. There was something important happening. Something magical that connected her and the man standing before her with that blood moon. It was both prophetic and foreboding. And although it felt odd—
    even frightening—it also felt strangely familiar.
    She recognized a subtle stirring, almost like a faint awakening of...something...she couldn't name. And it was like 63
    Blood Destiny
    by Tessa Dawn
    being drawn into a dream, one she knew nothing about and wanted no part of.
    She only knew that her once safe world had suddenly come to an end. And that the vampire who had been so kind—almost human—just moments before was something altogether different now. Dangerous and predatory.
    What in the world had happened?
    Had the sky somehow triggered the monster? Was it the color of the moon? The color of blood? Had Nathaniel become like the creature she had seen in the dark chamber?
    As the enchantment wore off, a perilous cry of terror rose in her throat. In one desperate moment of clarity, she yanked back her wrist and drew for her gun.
    Nathaniel was far too fast for her.
    Using only his mind to disarm the threat, the vampire jerked the gun from her hand and sent it flying hundreds of yards into the forest, smoldering like a glowing red coal as it left her fingers. A fierce growl of warning rumbled in his throat, and his eyes pierced hers with a harsh, reprimanding glare.
    Jocelyn cried out as the tips of her fingers were burned by the blazing iron. "Nathaniel!" she shrieked, her terror no longer contained. "You promised!" It was a desperate plea for compassion. "You swore you weren't going to hurt me." It was a pitiful cry for mercy.
    Nathaniel reacted so quickly his motion was undetectable: He reached for her hand, swiftly turned it over, and blew freezing air like shards of ice over her fingertips, immediately healing the burns before they had a chance to blister.
    Blood Destiny
    by Tessa Dawn
    Instantly numbing the pain. "I am so sorry, Jocelyn," he soothed. "I did not intend to hurt you." Despite an obvious attempt to sound gentle, his words came out as a snarl.
    Jocelyn struggled for breath and looked down at her hand, realizing that the burns were completely gone. The monster inside of him might be ruling his nature, but he was still reluctant to harm her. Slowly backing away, she tried to speak calmly.
    "What is it, Nathaniel? What's happening to you?" She held out her left arm, palm facing up. "What are these markings on my wrist? And why are they here now—when they were never there before?"
    She glanced back and forth between the odd designs and the dazzling work of art shining in the heavens, acknowledging a connection. "Does the moon have anything to do with it? That constellation?" Looking up into his smoldering eyes, she whispered, "Tell me why you're acting like this. You're scaring me now. I mean really, really scaring me."
    Nathaniel didn't answer.
    It was as if he couldn't speak.
    He simply looked down into her terrified eyes like he somehow wanted to comfort her with his gaze, and then his eyes swept the surrounding area, veering off in the direction she had come from.
    "We are far too close to the Red Canyons,

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