Blood Legacy: Heir to the Throne

Blood Legacy: Heir to the Throne by Kerri Hawkins Page A

Book: Blood Legacy: Heir to the Throne by Kerri Hawkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kerri Hawkins
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nerve-ending in Susan’s body were firing simultaneously, creating a sensory overload that was both enjoyable and extremely discomfiting. Susan had experienced a much milder form, having been around Raphael and his companions, and she was already having difficulty dealing with the dark desire that would uncoil so frequently and at the most inopportune times. Being around Abigail amplified that feeling exponentially, making Susan feel completely out-of-control.
    Susan glanced down, forcing the clinical scientist in her to come forth. She tapped into the cold, hard, factual part of her, relying on years of discipline and empirical truth. This was nothing more than a physical manifestation of her new, extraordinary senses, and she could command them with the same iron will and intellect that had mastered her human desires for so many years.
    Abigail was entertained by the doctor’s struggle, knowing it was about to get much worse. Susan, with her new, untried abilities sensed this subtle shift in Abigail’s demeanor, but was unable to interpret it. Abigail saved her the trouble, however, by giving a slight nod rearward, and Susan followed the glance.
    Ryan stood in the doorway.
    Abigail smiled, feeling the shock of the young woman across from her. To have known Ryan as a human companion was quite different from knowing her as one of their Kind.
    Ryan stared at Susan. She had changed remarkably, in ways both subtle and not. She had always been beautiful, with titian hair and blue-green eyes, but now there was a luminance about her that reminded Ryan disturbingly of Marilyn. Although Susan had always been slender, her cheekbones were now pronounced, as were her faultless lips. She was extremely attractive, even for one of their Kind, and Ryan noted it was good that Susan was under her protection. Otherwise Susan probably would not survive her youth, so often did desire translate to death in their Kind.
    Ryan approached, and Susan was held captive by the casual examination that burned through her. It was a surreal experience, as if someone she had known for years was now someone she did not know at all. The power that flowed outward from Ryan was staggering, and Susan could see it even with her infantile preternatural eyes. The magnetism that had manifested itself as mere charisma when Susan had been human now manifested itself as the elemental physical force it actually was.
    Abigail watched the silent exchange with amusement, forever entertained by the interaction of their Kind. Ryan sensed Abigail’s thoughts and her subtle torture of Susan. She turned to Abigail, holding her gaze for a moment, then allowed her eyes to drift downward to her décolleté, the pale white skin above the breast which Ryan often fed from. The insolent act had the desired effect. Outwardly, Abigail revealed nothing, but inwardly was completely aroused.
    The girl would pay for that later.
    Ryan turned back to Susan.
    “I apologize for my absence.” Ryan said, “I was not expecting you today and returned as soon as I heard word of your arrival.” Ryan held out her hand.
    Susan hesitated. The air of sensuality between Abigail and Ryan was almost unbearable, creating longing that rippled outward, catching everything that could sense it in its wake. Against her better judgment, she took the hand.
    It was like grasping a hold of lightning, or what she imagined lighting would feel like. It shot through her arm up into her brain, back down through her spinal column and out every extremity and pore of her body. Ryan held the hand, as if she, too, were assessing the experience. She finally released it, and Susan felt the loss intensely.
    “You bear Marilyn’s mark,” Ryan said. She then frowned slightly. “I have yet to determine if that is a good thing, even after centuries.”
    “You did make that decision, my dear,” Abigail reminded her.
    “Hmm,” Ryan said thoughtfully, eyeing Susan, “yes, I did.” She examined Susan far more clinically,

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