Blood Legacy: Heir to the Throne

Blood Legacy: Heir to the Throne by Kerri Hawkins

Book: Blood Legacy: Heir to the Throne by Kerri Hawkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kerri Hawkins
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is here, and Abigail as well.”
    A wave of anxiety swept over Susan, feelings she tried to hide unsuccessfully. She would have to get used to this inability to hide anything. When she had interacted with the Others as a human, they knew much of what she thought and felt. Now they knew everything, and she felt positively transparent.
    Edward felt sorry for the young doctor. Most Young Ones would never have to deal with what she would soon face. Then again, he thought, most Young Ones would never call Ryan Alexander a friend, so the reward far outweighed the penalty. He gestured for them to enter.
    “I have prepared your usual quarters in the southern wing,” Edward said, “you and master Jason have adjoining suites.”
    Susan felt relief wash over her. She was staying in the same wing as Ryan, who liked to sit upon the balconies watching both the sunrise and sunset from the unobstructed views. Edward could sense her unasked question, and answered in a lowered tone.
    “Abigail is in the east wing, and Marilyn in the west.”
    Susan put her hand on the older man’s arm. “Thank you, Edward,” she said, truly grateful.
    He patted her hand. “Do not mention it.”
    Susan settled into her familiar quarters, pleased to see her computer and all of her research exactly as she had left it. Well, not exactly. She could tell the staff had been in here tidying up. She changed clothes, feeling oddly as if she were home. She glanced out the window. Jason was heading across the yard toward the stables. He would probably wait there all day until Ryan returned.
    Susan folded her sweater. Jason had worshipped Ryan from the very day they had met, and Ryan, as imposing a figure as she could be, was remarkably gentle with the boy. Susan smiled. She remembered when Jason had asked Ryan to be her dad. Ryan had been slightly bemused until Jason explained to her with a child’s logic that he already had a mom.
    A strange look passed over Susan’s features as a jolt of electricity traveled through her. She found herself sharply exhaling out of habit. The electricity did not seem to fade, however, but rather seemed to grow, creating a pulsating heaviness in her that was not without pleasure.
    “What now?” Susan murmured aloud.
    The feeling grew, and Susan tried to suppress her concern because she realized what the source of energy was.
    It was an Old One. A very Old One.
    The air around her seemed to hum, filled with the power of the One approaching. Susan tried to assess the experience clinically, but was having difficulty because the feeling was intensely pleasurable and intensely terrifying. It was a primitive, instinctive response, as if some ancient, untapped part of her brain were springing to life. Or, she thought to herself, some entirely new, untapped part of her brain.
    The feeling built to a crescendo until it was nearly unbearable, and it grew even more so as the doors opened.
    Abigail stepped into the room, and although Susan had seen her many times, she realized she had never truly seen her before.
    Her cool gaze rested upon Susan and Susan felt it penetrate to the deepest part of her soul, to every cell of her body. Abigail gracefully settled into the settee before Susan, examining the red-haired woman.
    She continued to examine her at some length and then spoke at last. “So you are now of Marilyn’s line.”
    Susan blushed. She knew Marilyn had given Raphael her blood prior to Changing Susan, and it was apparent Abigail knew it as well. A slight smile flickered about Abigail’s lips as she casually continued. “I am surprised her offspring did not kill you in the act.”
    Susan’s chagrin deepened. Raphael had nearly done so and had barely regained his self-control in time to keep Susan from dying. Abigail’s slight smile increased.
    “I trust you are now well, Dr. Ryerson?”
    Susan nodded, finding it difficult to speak. Being near this woman brought a level of discomfort that was hard to fathom. It was as if every

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