Blood Legacy: Heir to the Throne

Blood Legacy: Heir to the Throne by Kerri Hawkins Page B

Book: Blood Legacy: Heir to the Throne by Kerri Hawkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kerri Hawkins
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and Susan imagined this is what a bug under a microscope felt like. “You are well?”
    Susan nodded. “Yes, I am fine.” She tried to appear businesslike. “I am looking forward to getting back to my research.”
    “There is time enough for that. Please feel free to get settled.”
    Susan glanced at Abigail, then back at Ryan. “Where is Drake?”
    Ryan shifted uncomfortably, and she could feel Abigail’s unblinking gaze on her. It would not sit well with her that Susan had known about her son first.
    “He is in the yard with Jason, playing”
    Ryan stole a glance at Abigail, who spoke to her mentally.
    You will pay for that as well.
    Susan moved to the window where she could see the two boys. Although Jason was always gentle with Drake, she was concerned.
    “Are you sure they are alright? Drake is still so small.”
    Ryan smiled, watching the two boys play below. “Drake is already nearly indestructible.”
    Susan turned to her, an eyebrow raised. “I’m not certain I want to know how you know that.”
    Ryan cleared her throat uncomfortably. There had been a few mishaps.
    “I am certain Edward is no more than a few feet away, he is quite devoted to the boy.” Ryan turned to Abigail, who was still watching her with the gaze one would reserve for an unruly child. Ryan extended her hand, half in courtesy, half in surrender.
    Abigail took the hand, rising gracefully. She nodded to Susan, then turned to Ryan. She leaned close, speaking in a conspiratorial whisper, but loud enough that Susan could hear.
    “I realize you will have many duties to perform this week, my dear,” Abigail said with deceptive gentleness. “And that the Others will make great demands of you.” The underlying softness in her voice became steel. “But if you keep toying with me, I will have you confined to chambers.”
    Abigail released Ryan’s hand, and turned to the door. In case there was any misunderstanding, she turned to Ryan once more.
    “My chambers,” she said with emphasis.
    Abigail disappeared, leaving Ryan to stare at the empty doorway. She could feel the heat rise in her face. She turned to Susan, who was trying to maintain a straight face.
    “And I am supposed to be King,” Ryan said with self-mocking.
    SUSAN WAS SEARCHING FOR RYAN. She could not sense her presence in the house, and wondered if Ryan was purposely concealing it. Regardless, she had a pretty good idea where Ryan could be found. She paused before the heavy double doors, pressing her ear against the wood. She felt foolish for doing so, realizing Ryan had probably heard her approach.
    She raised her hand to lightly knock, but was unable to complete the act because the door swung inward, causing her to pitch forward off-balance. Ryan caught her by the shoulders, muffling laughter as she did so.
    “If you are trying to skulk about, you are going to have to be a good deal more quiet than that.”
    Susan pushed away indignantly. “I was not skulking about. I just didn’t want to disturb you.”
    Ryan relented from her teasing. “You are not disturbing me,” she said, stepping aside. She motioned for Susan to enter.
    Susan’s indignation slipped away as she stepped into the room. Her eyes immediately went to the dark-haired man in unmoving repose.
    “There has been no change?” Susan asked.
    Ryan’s expression sobered. “No, his condition is the same.”
    Ryan returned to Victor’s side, and Susan joined her. Susan’s manner became brisk, professional.
    “I would like to do an updated examination as soon as possible,” Susan said, “to see if there are any changes that are not outwardly detectable.”
    Ryan bowed slightly. “Of course. I am grateful, as always, for your assistance.” She glanced down at the paperwork Susan held in her hand, and at the lab coat she wore over her clothes. “I see you have wasted no time in returning to work.”
    Susan was mildly embarrassed. “I don’t know if what I’m doing will be of any help to

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