Blow (TKO #3)

Blow (TKO #3) by Ana Layne

Book: Blow (TKO #3) by Ana Layne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ana Layne
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then I didn’t try to contact him, either. I grab the papers Howard handed me yesterday and grudgingly walk inside. I spot Austin back at the weight benches with Lance. Just thinking about him seeing Tamilyn again this evening makes my stomach turn, but then I remember I have something he doesn’t have—her heart.
    “Hey man, I was wondering if you were coming back.” I turn to see Garrett walking toward me. I think I’ll like him. He seems really down to earth.
    “Yeah, I was just running a little behind this morning. I, uh…have my papers.”
    “Howard’s in the office. You can drop them inside and then meet me back out here.”
    I nod and turn to walk toward the small office. Howard’s eyes light up when he sees me and he reaches out for the papers in my hand. My phone vibrates and I notice a text from my dad. Oh shit, I’m supposed to be at the office with him today.
    “Good to see you back,” Howard says. “I’m guessing you’ve already talked to Garrett?”
    “Yes, sir. I’m supposed to meet him on the mat.”
    “All right, I’ll cut you loose. If you need something, I’ll be around here. Oh, I told Austin there’s a fight this evening if you two wanted to check it out. Lance has a match tonight. I think it’d be good to see. You can get a better feel for everything.”
    Stepping out, I open the text from my dad to see he’s wondering what time I’ll be at the office today. How the hell could I forget this?
    Sorry Dad, Austin had me join this gym with him but I’ll be there probably around lunch time if that’s okay.
    That’s okay. We have a new project we need to start on so just get here when you can.
    Yes sir.
    I take my phone along with my wallet and keys and ask Garrett where I can set them. He points to a set of lockers against a wall and I find an empty one.
    Garrett waves me over to the mats where he briefly begins to explain the art of what they do. He shows me the gloves I’ll wear and how to throw a hit. I’ll need practice throwing a hit as well as he does, but I also remember this is my first time. I don’t focus on anything else around me, wondering what he’s going to show me next. He doesn’t throw too much into today because I know he’s trying to not scare me off. I practice throwing a few hits at him while trying to remember to keep myself balanced.
    Time seems to fly and I glance at the clock on the wall to read it’s past ten in the morning. Howard comes flying out of the office, causing everyone to freeze. “Garrett! You need to get to the hospital. Raegan’s water just broke.”
    Garrett’s face turns pale like he’s just seen a ghost but at the same time, he’s grinning like a fool. “I’m going to be a dad today!” He beams as he rips the gloves off his hands.
    Lance runs over to him to hug him. “We’re going to Disneyworld next, right? Us and all our kids, fuck yeah!”
    “Dude, shut up. I only have one kid, you have two, so you have all the kids. I’ll call you when the baby is born.”
    “Fuck no, that’s my partner in crime. I’m calling Hilary and we’ll meet y’all there because you know Howard and Whitney are going, which means no one will be here and just to remind you, Hilary hasn’t had the baby yet.” He turns to look at me and Austin. “No offense, guys.”
    “None taken. Congrats, man,” I tell Garrett. He just smirks and runs out the door with his keys.
    “Damn.” Austin chuckles as we leave. “I was hoping we could get a chance to spar together. Maybe tomorrow. I guess I’ll call Tamilyn and see if she’s free.”
    I grit my teeth trying to pretend I am not hearing any of this but it’s too late. His words are embedded in my brain and I’m jealous as fuck, even if I slept with her last night. “She had a photo session today so she’s probably busy right now.”
    Austin raises his eyebrow suspiciously while I kick myself in the ass for opening my mouth. “How do you know that?”
    “She’s my best

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