Bombay Mixx

Bombay Mixx by S L Lewis

Book: Bombay Mixx by S L Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: S L Lewis
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in the meeting so are you ready?’ Ann asked without it really being a question . ‘I tried to think of an excuse to not go in…food poisoning from lunch time? Nope cos doesn’t that take a few hours to set in? I have a banging headache all of a sudden? Nope cos she already thinks I’m an alcoholic after Wednesday so she’ll be shipping me off to AA before I could say I was joking! Ahhh I know what to say. It never fails!’ Ann regarded impatiently . ‘It’s my time of the month and I’ve got very bad cramps. I think maybe I should go home early as I can never concentrate properly when I first come on , ’ I explained as I held my stomach with an Oscar winning performance.
    Ann did not look impressed.
    She came closer to me and I must admit I got a little nervous.
    With the look on her face I thought she was going to give me a wallop. She looked like a mother in a supermarket who is at the end of her tether with her child who is throwing a monster strop because he/she was told they wasn’t going to get the new novelty toy which is advertised everywhere . ‘ Y ou wi ll not be going home early, Nita and if you need some pain relief you will go to Human R esources and ask them to get some Paracetamols from the medicine cabinet and be in that meeting before everyone else. You will not let this department down like you let yourself down on Wednesday. Are we clear?’ she whispered to avoid others hearing her anger.
    I couldn’t believe she played the Wednesday card! Was she never young? Fighting the urge to tell her to chill out, I just nodded in agreement and enter ed Angus’s office.
    Luckily he was on the phone when we entered and he ushered us towards our seats and continued. The others entered five minutes later and when drinks and biscuits were distributed by the catering staff, the meeting started.
    Angus was very different to the Angus who followed me to the toilets on Tuesday. He didn’t even look at me. He was full of facts and figures, presentations, reports, booklets, graphs, etc, and I sat there trying to avoid the gaze of Sarah, who was giving me a shooting look s when I looked up at the presentation , but I cleverly avoided her.
    T he meeting was over within an hour and Ann stayed with Angus to get further information.
    I was alone at my desk, trying to look busy when I looked up and saw Sarah next to me.
    I didn’t know what to do? I didn’t want to look like I was repulsed by her but I also knew (very much so) that I wasn’t gay and didn’t want to hurt her feelings. I have never been the one to have these talks so it was very strange. I was usually the one getting dumped.
    ‘Hi Ann, can I borrow Nita for a few minutes? I just need her to get some notes from my office for Angus , ’ she shouted to Ann who just nodded and continued to write down notes that Angus was dictating to her.
    ‘Shit, shit, shit , ’ my mind screamed as I no longer had any excuses!
    There was silence all the way to her office then she shut the door . ‘ R est assured I am not going to pounce on you , ’ she joked, however , I wasn’t laughing, just looking for all available exits.
    ‘I’m not sure how to start so I’ll just go for it. I saw you in reception when you started on Monday and thought you were very pretty and funny at how you dealt with the receptionists. I hung around until Ann came to meet you. I know I should have told you I was gay but I didn’t want it to be a major thing between us and I wanted to get to know you away from work , ’ she stated as she walked towards me. I felt uncomfortable as she sat next to me and moved away slightly to gain more distance ‘If you had told me you were gay I wouldn’t have had a problem with it Sarah but you didn’t tell me, instead you took me out and then kissed me , ’ I pronounced.
    She looked at the floor as though embarrassed . ‘I made a mistake. I’m sorry. But we had a really good night so

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