Border Lair
sick in her life, grasping the seat of the commode for dear life as her stomach emptied itself over and over. Dimly, she realized the bathroom was crowded with her mates and—horrors—the prince. Gareth wiped her brow with a cool wet cloth, which felt very good, while Lars held her, tying her hair back with a stray piece of leather. That done, he rubbed her spine gently. The prince watched with a pitying look, but there was a light in his off-green eyes that was more than calculating. He made her feel a little uncomfortable as he moved forward to squat down next to her.
    “May I?” he asked both her and her mates as he stretched his hand near to her forehead. She nodded hesitantly, uncertain of what he intended, but one didn’t say no to a prince, after all.
    He touched her head and suddenly the knots in her stomach eased. She realized he was using his own healing energy to still her rebellious stomach.
    His touch soothed and within moments she felt much better, though still a bit too shaky to stand on her own. Lars helped her up, holding her against his chest as she faced the smiling prince. He had the most luminous look in his hazel eyes as he regarded her.
    “Congratulations, cousin.” His words were low, filled with emotion. “You carry twin boys and they will both be black dragons.”
    “Praise the Mother,” Gareth whispered. He swayed for just a moment, seeking the stone wall for support.
    Kelvan and Rohtina raised their heads in the archway and trumpeted their joy, nearly deafening all the humans present. Lars squeezed her close, his face buried in her neck as he kissed her.
    “I don’t understand.” Belora looked up at the prince from within Lars’
    strong hold.
    The prince laughed gently. “I know. Forgive me, cousin. This is just such a momentous thing. There are so few of us left. Every birth is a miracle to our line. Black dragons even more so.”
    “I still don’t get it. Why are you calling them black dragons? I know that’s the symbol of the king, but what has it to do with my…oh, sweet Mother, did you say I was pregnant?” Nico nodded and she felt tears gather in her eyes.
    “You felt them? Twins?”
    “Yes, cousin. Two strong, healthy boys. One from each of your mates.”
    “Sweet Mother of All!” She turned in Lars’ arms and hugged him hard, then reached for Gareth who still appeared stunned by the news. She embraced them both and her smile stretched from ear to ear.
    “I take it the news is both happy and unexpected.” The prince spoke once their rejoicing had died down a bit.
    “Rohtina’s pregnant too,” Belora said, tears of joy nearly overcoming her.
    “Then double congratulations are in order.” The prince turned to the dragons and placed one hand as if in benediction on the young female dragon’s head.
    “Thank you for telling me! And for making me feel better too. My own small healing gift never works on myself.”
    The prince shook his head with a smile. “Such is the pity for most healers. But I understand your power is better suited to dragons anyway, which is a wonderful thing.”
    “Yes.” She moved out of her mates’ arms to face the strange prince. “We discovered it only a few days ago.”
    “So your mother told me.”
    “Oh! Mama’s going to be so happy! And Kelzy!”
    “All the dragons in this Lair will undoubtedly be happy to hear the news that your sons will soon be joining them.”

    Belora was puzzled by his wording. “Joining the dragons?”
    “It’s a gift of the royal blood we share, Belora. We are both human and dragon. That’s why the females of our line can heal dragons when few other human healers can do so effectively. The males of our line take that one step further.”
    “How?” She was afraid to breathe.
    The prince stepped back from her toward the dragons. Kelvan and Rohtina welcomed him with respect and a kind of deference she had never seen them display before.
    “We are dragons.”
    So saying, the prince faded for a

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