Border Lair
moment, a thick black mist swirling around his body. Belora recognized the tug of powerful magic on her senses. A moment later, a compact but still huge black dragon stood outside the archway between the other two dragons. The prince was nowhere to be seen.
    Or rather, he was there—incredibly—but in dragon form.
    “Sweet Mother of All!” Belora strode forward, entranced by the gleaming black dragon. He was somewhat smaller than the other dragons, but he looked just as lethal, just as beautiful. She reached out to him and he craned his neck forward into her touch, allowing her to feel the shiny black scale of his neck and face.
    Do you understand now, cousin?
    Belora gasped as she felt the presence of the prince within the striking black dragon with the tourmaline eyes. No, that wasn’t quite right. The prince wasn’t inside the dragon, the prince was the dragon, and the dragon was the prince. It was simply amazing.
    “My babies—?”
    Your sons will be as I am, able to shift from human to dragon at will. I show you this so you will be prepared when they are ready. They’ll probably begin to shift shortly after they learn to walk. They’ll start flying around the same time Rohtina’s dragonet will, I think, so they can all learn together. The Mother certainly knows what She’s doing, doesn’t She?
    “I can’t believe it.”
    Believe it. Your sons will bring hope to the dragons here in this Lair, which will shortly become key in our battle with Skithdron if I’m not mistaken. Just their presence will bring renewed hope for our land to the dragon population and the knights as well. I tell you this from my own experience. I’ve felt the power and the responsibility that comes with being of two worlds.
    “Is it hard? I mean, it’s such a responsibility. I was raised simply. You can call me a princess all you want, but I’m still just a peasant really. I always will be.”
    Then you might understand what it’s like to live in two worlds as well, for you are a princess and apparently a peasant too. And to answer your question, no, it’s not hard at all. It’s the most amazing blessing of my life and I thank the Mother every day for allowing me such gifts. She was wise when She allowed the last of the wizards to form the pact between the dragons of our land and our ancestor, Draneth the Wise. He was the first black dragon, forged by magic and his own wizard blood, but each of us since has been truly of both races. It’s how we can understand the needs of both humans and dragons and continue to guide both races in harmony and cooperation. It’s a gift, Belora, a precious one.
    His words touched her so deeply she felt a tear trickle down her cheek.
    The prince moved back and the black mist swirled once more, leaving him clad in black leather, human once again.
    “Whatever doubt remained is now gone. You carry royal black dragons in your womb. There can be no doubt you are of the royal line.” The prince moved forward, kissing her on both cheeks. “Welcome back, cousin, to our family. It’s a happy day to have found you and your mother once again.”
    This time, she did cry—her emotions all over the place with the shocking news of her bloodlines and her pregnancy. Gareth and Lars came up behind her, their supportive arms around her, there for her.
    “There’s one other thing I have to discuss with you, Belora, if you think you’re up to it.” The prince looked uncertain for a moment in the face of her turbulent emotions and she smiled to reassure him.
    “Anything, Prince Nico. You’ve given me such happy news.”
    They walked back toward the kitchen area and sat down once more. Nico reached out a finger to each cold cup of tea and warmed them with his inner fire. Apparently he didn’t have to be in dragon form to call on his fire. She would have to remember that for when her boys started to experiment with their own abilities.
    “I don’t mean to bring up bad memories, but I need to know

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