Border Lair
she used for heating water had gone out, but with a quick look at the dragons, she got their help in lighting it once more. They were handy to have around, she thought with a grin, when one needed a light. She was still chuckling when Gareth came into the room, stretching and yawning.
    He grabbed her in a fierce hug, kissing the breath out of her as was his custom first thing in the morning.
    Lars was just a bit more conservative. He stumbled in—still a little bleary eyed but his usual calm, quiet self. She knew well by now that still waters ran very deep indeed when it came to Lars. His steadiness warmed her as she set mugs of the strong tea she blended especially for them in front of her mates.
    Belora noticed some activity out near the entrance to their suite and saw the dragons bowing their heads to a newcomer dressed all in black leather. He was a striking man, and more than a little scary. He moved with such self-possession, as did all the knights, but this was something more. This man prowled. It was as if there was a caged beast inside him, just waiting to be let out. She shook her head, smiling at her fanciful imagination as she nodded to Lars and Gareth.
    “Looks like our guest is here. Do you know him?”
    Both men turned and their eyes widened before they stood hastily. They bowed in respect as the man approached and he took it as his due while Belora stood dumbfounded.
    “Your majesty.” Gareth spoke for them all. “Welcome to our home.”
    “What do you know? Gareth and Lars, together again, I see. The Mother must have been sleeping on the job to allow this sort of pairing.” The man’s hazel eyes flashed, obviously teasing, and the knights relaxed in his presence.
    Belora was intrigued.
    “Congratulations on your wedding.” The black clad man stepped forward, offering his hand in the knightly fashion, indicating he thought of her men more as contemporaries than underlings.
    She liked that and found herself liking the tall man with the dancing hazel eyes almost immediately.
    Both of her knights shook the man’s hand with broad smiles, thanking him for his good wishes. They turned to her. Her mouth went dry for no reason she could discern. Again, Gareth spoke for them all.
    “This is our mate, Belora. Sweetheart, this is Prince Nico.”
    Belatedly, she remembered to curtsy, but the prince’s next words nearly threw her off balance.
    “It’s a pleasure to meet you, cousin.”
    “Cousin?” Lars was startled into speaking, his turquoise eyes wide with the shock they all felt.
    Nico nodded. “Shall we sit? I have much to say and I’d like a chance to get to know your mate a bit better as well.”
    “By all means.” Gareth gave the prince his own chair, pulling over another for himself and one for Belora. She brought the teapot and another cup, setting it before the prince, all the while marveling that a prince should be sitting to morning tea with her, of all things.
    “I met your mother just a short while ago,” the prince began. “I’m convinced that she is the daughter of Prince Fileas of Kent who was killed along with his entire family by our enemies many years ago. The only survivor of the massacre was his youngest daughter, the Princess Amelia Jane, who disappeared that day and was never seen again. Until now.”
    “Bright stars!” Belora’s whisper reached the men, making them smile.
    “I believe your mother is Princess Amelia Jane, though she will be known now as Princess Adora of Kent. That makes you Princess Belora of Kent and distant cousin to the royal line.” The prince leaned back, apparently enjoying the stunned stares of the people around him. “And that makes you two…” He eyed the knights. “Prince Consorts.”
    “Holy shit.” Lars and Gareth spoke at the same moment, clearly stunned.
    Belora was overwhelmed. Her mind seized and her stomach revolted.
    Jumping up so quickly her chair crashed to the floor behind her, she ran for the bathroom.
    She had never been so

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