extensive change as far as surgery. The second is what a surgeon could plausibly do with it, assuming her nose is messed up when it hits the tree. It’s how he’d improve it, if given the option. The final version requires the least amount of invasive surgery, and it’s another believable option, though a less flattering one, in the plastic surgeon’s opinion.
    I read through the text of all three, set the first one aside, and debated between the other two. Finally, I said, “Let’s go with the second option for now, but once we’ve looked at all of the other changes, I may want to revisit the nose.”
    He nodded and put the second option on his screen, and then handed me two more pages. “Christine’s hairline is different from yours, and her hair is long. You’ll need to get a new driver’s license in whatever state you land, and we’ll need to arrange for extensions for the picture. It’ll be possible to hide your hairline with different hairstyles, but you’ll need to be sure you always do so for any government picture, and it might be safer for him to alter it to something closer to hers. It would require he take skin from your scalp and transplant it behind your temples, so your hairline is closer to your face on the side. He says it’s close enough above your forehead.”
    I read through the information, and nodded. “Yeah, okay. If I’m going to have long hair I’m gonna want the option of a ponytail.”
    He handed me another image, and I couldn’t tell what the change was but the girl in the picture was certainly prettier than me, even though it was me.
    “Christine’s chin is more prominent than yours, this is a chin implant.”
    “Yeah,” I told him. “Let’s go with that.”
    “You haven’t read through the information.”
    I sighed, glanced over it, and told him again. “We’re doing the chin implant.”
    He handed me yet another stack of pages. “The lips are the most complicated, but before you look over them, here is how you’ll look with the changes so far.” He put a picture of me as I am now on the left hand side of his screen, the modified picture of me in the center, and what I assumed to be Christine’s driver’s license photo on the right side of the screen.
    “Your lips are full, hers are thin. He says they’d never manage to make her lips look as good as yours while fixing a face damaged in a snow-skiing accident. I suggested you change everything else, and if anyone asks you can claim to have started getting injections to plump your lips up, like the stars do, only not as exaggerated.”
    He motioned towards the pages in my hands, and I saw why he was reluctant for me to go this route. Making my lips thinner made me… not as attractive.
    I took a breath and thought it through logically instead of emotionally. “If I’m taking on her identity, this isn’t about vanity, but survival.” I motioned towards his screen and said, “Show me all the lip options he provided, one by one, with about five seconds between each.”
    I hated them all, but vanity couldn’t be the deciding factor. If I was going to change identities, I needed to do it right. Not ready to decide on the lips, I told him, “Go back to my lips and let me see what you have so far with the third nose, instead of the second.”
    I shook my head and waved him back to the second nose. “It won’t add that much time to my recovery, since I’m doing the chin implant. May as well do it right.”
    I showed him the printed page with the lips I thought most looked like hers. “If I was advising someone else, I’d go with these, but I want to talk to the doctor and see if he has any other ideas. Also, whether my lips, as they are, could plausibly be hers with injections.”
    He nodded, saved the image, typed up some notes, closed his laptop, and put it on the coffee table.
    “When Duke gets here tomorrow I’m going to need to get some work done, which means it’ll be the two of you, with me in

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