Lucy Surrenders
your time and service on our behalf," Lucas said, to offer the man some measure of authority.
    "Think nothing of it, Lord Huntington," Reed said as he reluctantly released the papers that would remove any chance of Lucy's being free to wed another.  "It was my pleasure to be of service.  When would you desire the ceremony to take place?" Reed asked, with a barely concealed sigh.
    Lucy watched the exchange and then looked to see Edward and Louisa approaching.  She suddenly realized that everyone she loved was in this room.  She turned to Lucas.  "Must we wait?" she asked, and watched as Lucas' eyes widened in surprise.  She blushed, suddenly embarrassed at her outburst as if she were begging he wed her before he came to his senses and realized she was not the woman he truly desired.  Lucas smiled and traced a finger down her cheek.
    "Are you so anxious to wed that you wish to forego a more formal ceremony?" Lucas asked.  "Kitten, we can wed this moment if that is what you desire.  I neither desire nor need a large ceremony.  All I care is that you become my wife and my little one."
    Lucy's heart stuttered again at his words.  She unconsciously ran her hands down the fabric of her pinafore, accepting that she would have an unconventional wedding dress, as well as an unconventional role as Lady Huntington.  She also knew she had no desire to wait another single moment to begin that role.  "Please, Lucas," she said looking around the room.  "I don't need a special ceremony.  Everyone I love is here.  I ... I want to be your wife before you spa..." she stopped, realizing that Reed was listening intently.  She didn't need to continue; Lucas understood exactly what she desired.
    "Yes, my love, it would give me great joy if we wed now," Lucas said and turned to Reed.  The pastor nodded and then took the license back from Lucas, turning to lead him back into the church proper.
    Edward walked towards his ward, a gentle smile on his lips.  She returned the smile as he drew her into his arms.  "Are you sure, little one?" he asked, quietly.  She nodded quickly.
    "Yes, Sir," she answered, without hesitation.  She saw Louisa smiling as well, and Lucy knew her decision was the correct one.  Edward kissed her cheek. “You do realize that wedding now will not release you from the discipline you have earned, Lucille?" Edward asked, knowing his happiness for her did not release him from his responsibility in guiding his ward.  Lucy met his eyes and nodded again.
    "Yes, Sir, I ... I know," she answered, blushing at the reminder of the debt she still owed for her misbehavior.  "I'm sorry I was so naughty this morning," Lucy continued.  "I ... I know I ... I am to be spanked."  Edward nodded, proud that she was not attempting to wiggle out of an upcoming spanking by suggesting a wedding, instead.
    "That's my good girl," Edward said, and released her.  "Go with Louisa, Lucille," he instructed.  "You will have a few minutes to talk, and then you shall wed."  Her face showed her happiness as he left the sisters alone and went to join the men.
    "Oh, Lucy, I am so happy for you," Louisa said, enveloping her twin in a hug.  Lucy hugged her back, her heart pounding as she realized she was indeed marrying in a few moments.  She pulled away.
    "I am getting married," Lucy said as if it were news.  Louisa giggled, and Lucy's delightful laughter soon joined hers.  When they regained their composure, Lucy leaned towards her sister.  "Louisa, I love him so much but... but I'm sca ... scared.  What ... what if I can't be all he demands?  How ... how will I know what to ... to do?  Maybe ... maybe we should wait ... maybe..." her voice trailed off as her mind buzzed with thousands of questions for which she had no answers.  Louisa reached her hand to her sister's cheek.
    "Lucy, shhh ... Lucas loves you.  Everything is as it should be.  There is nothing for you to fear.  Lucas will teach you all you need know."  Louisa

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